Up in Ardmuirland eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 169 pages of information about Up in Ardmuirland.

Up in Ardmuirland eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 169 pages of information about Up in Ardmuirland.

The ego appears rather prominently in these introductory paragraphs, it is true, but it was almost unavoidable; for my presence had to be accounted for in Ardmuirland before I could give reminiscences of this delightful spot.  Now, however, I am free to speak of other folks; and first of dear old Val.

It was a long and arduous apprenticeship (if it is not irreverent so to style it) which Val had to pass in order to fit himself for priestly work; he was curate for I know not how many years in a large and extremely poor mission in one of our big towns.  He worked well and thoroughly, as any one who knows Val will be ready to affirm; but his health would not stand the hard work and close confinement of a town, and he was forced against his will to relinquish his post.  His attraction had always been toward a studious life, so it came about that he was sent up here, where he has time to study to his heart’s content, since his flock will never be anything but small.  Moreover, his share of poor old Dad’s worldly substance enables him to live, for the emoluments here would scarcely support a canary-bird.

Yet it must not be supposed that Val is rolling in riches.  In the first place, poor Dad had to sell a good deal of property to make good his losses from unfortunate investments, and he had not overmuch to leave us.  His worldly wisdom, too, taught him to be sparing with Val.

“He would spend his half in a month, Ted,” said the old Pater shrewdly, when he came to settle his worldly affairs.  “I shall therefore leave the bulk of everything to you, and trust to you to provide liberally for the dear boy.”

Dad’s remark is the best possible clue to Val’s character.  Had he nothing else to give, Val would strip the very coat off his own back, when it was a question of relieving distress.  So it is a part of my duty to see that he is clothed and fed as he ought to be, and a difficult job it is at times.

I suppose I ought to give some idea of Val’s appearance, if this is to be a proper literary turn-out.  When we both were younger, it was commonly said by aunts, uncles, and such like, that one was the image of the other.  That would be scarcely a fair description now.  I am thin; Val is inclined to become chubby.  I have a beard and he is necessarily shaven; he needs glasses always, and I only for reading.  With these preliminary observations I may say that Val is about five feet six in his shoes, of dark complexion, and with hair inclining to gray.  He is quiet in manner, yet withal a charming companion when called upon to talk.  The people worship him; that is the best testimonial of a country priest, and all that I need say about his interior man.

Project Gutenberg
Up in Ardmuirland from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.