The Auld Doctor and other Poems and Songs in Scots eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 37 pages of information about The Auld Doctor and other Poems and Songs in Scots.

The Auld Doctor and other Poems and Songs in Scots eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 37 pages of information about The Auld Doctor and other Poems and Songs in Scots.
distrackit, distracted. dizzen, dozen. doobled, doubled. doon-settin’, settlement, start in life. doo’s cleckin, pigeon’s hatch, two of a family. doot, doubt. dootna, do not doubt. dour, obstinate, hard, severe. dree, suffer. drogues, drugs. drooth, thirst. droothy, thirsty. drumlie-like, showing a sediment. druve, drove. duds, clothes. dune, done. dunt, a stroke causing a hollow sound. dwalt, dwelt. dwam, faint turn. dwinin’, wasting, fading.

E Eck, contraction for Alexander. e’e, eye. een, eyes. e’en, even. e’enins, evenings. efterhan’, afterwards. eident, diligent. elbuck, elbow. eneuch, enough. ense, otherwise. ettlin’, inclined to. expeckin’, expecting, enceinte.

F fa’, fall. fand, found. fash, trouble. faurer, farther. fearsome, frightful. fecht, fight. feckless, weak, spiritless, worthless. fegs, an affirmative exclamation, a corruption of Faith. fell, hot, acute. ferlies, wonders. fesh, fetch. fin’, find, feel. finger’t, fingered, palpated. fire (in his e’e), a foreign body. firin’, fire-wood. firstlins, first products. fish-hake, a wooden frame on which to hang fish. flang, flung. flannen, flannel. flee, fly; flee out on, scold. fleechin’, wheedling. fleg, frighten. fleggit, frightened. forbye, over and above, besides. forcy, forceful. forebears, ancestors. fore-handit, paid in advance. fore-nune, forenoon. forfaughen, exhausted. forrit, forward; even forrit, straight on. fosh, fetched. fowk, folk. fowre, four; weel on fowre, nearly four o’clock. freen’s, relations. fricht, fright. fu’, full.

G gae, go. gaed, went; gaed owre, went beyond the power of. gaffer, foreman, overseer. gait, way. gaithrin’, crowd. gang, go. gangrels, wanderers, tramps. gant, yawn. gar, make, cause. gaun, going. gaun-aboot, wandering. gey, very. ghaistly, ghostly. gibbles, tools. gie, give; gie him the name, name the child after him. gillie-callum, a variety of Scots dance. gin, if. girnin’, whining, complaining. gloamin’, twilight. glow’red, stared. govy-dick, govy-ding, an exclamation of surprise. gowpin’, throbbing. granes, groans. granin’, groaning. gree, agree. greenin’, longing for. greet, cry, weep. grew, shiver. grewsin’, shivering. grup, grip. gruppit, gripped. gude, good. gude-gaun, good-going. gude-mither, mother-in-law. guff, smell. gully, large pocket knife.

H hae, have.  Hae!  Here. hail, pour down. haill, whole; haill apotheck, whole affair. hame, home; the nicht that the bairnie cam’ hame, the night that the child was born. hame-owre, homely. hantle, a considerable number. harns, brains. haud, hold. hauf, half. heedin’, paying attention to. heicher, higher. heicht, height. heid, head. heidin’, heading. heirskep, heredity, inheritance. herts, hearts; gart the hert rise, made one sick. het, hot. hielant, Highland. hin’er, hinder. hinna, have not. hirplin’, limping. hives, bowel-trouble of children. hoast, cough. holin’, cutting coal. hoodie-craws, hooded crows. hoor, hour. hoose, house. hornie, fair hornie, fair exchange. howdie, mid-wife. howk, dig. humoursome, humorous. hungert, hungry, starved. hunner, hundred. hurdies, buttocks. hurl, a lift, a drive in a conveyance.

Project Gutenberg
The Auld Doctor and other Poems and Songs in Scots from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.