Mother's Remedies eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,684 pages of information about Mother's Remedies.

Mother's Remedies eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,684 pages of information about Mother's Remedies.

Vesiccant (vis’ik-ant).  Causing blisters.

Vesication (ves-ik-a’shun).  The process of blistering.

Vesicle (ves’ik-al).  A small sac containing fluid.

Veterinary (vet’-er-in-a-re).  Pertaining to domestic animals and their

Vitreous Humor (vit’-re-us yu’-mor).  The transparent jelly-like substance
                                 filling the posterior chamber of the eye.

Volatile (vol’-at-il).  Tending to evaporate rapidly.

Vulnery (vul-ne-ra-re).  Pertaining to or healing wounds.

Vulva (vul’-vah).  The external fleshy part of the female organs of

Whites (whitz).  Leucorrhea or leukorrhea.

Zymotic (zi’mot’ik).  Caused by or pertaining to zymosis.

Zymosis (zi-mo’sis).  Fermentation.  The propagation and development of an
                     infectious disease known by the growth of bacteria
                     and their products.  Any infectious or contagious

[Medical index 909]


Abortion (Herb Remedies) 413, 422, 444
Abortion (Accidents of Pregnancy) 524
Abscess 69
  External Abscess 69
  Mothers’ Remedies 69
    1.  Beech Bark Poultice for 69
    2.  Milk and Salt Poultice for 69
    3.  More Good Poultices for 69
Abscess, Ano-Rectal 151
Abscess Around the Anus and Rectum 151
Abscess of the Brain 296
Abdominal Dropsy 135
Abscess, Hepatic 132
Abscess, Ischio-Rectal 151
Abscess of the Liver 132
  Causes 132
  Symptoms 132
  Abscess 132
  Recovery 132
  Treatment 132
  Diet in Liver Troubles 132
  May Take 133
  Must Not Take 133
Abscess of the Lungs 43
  Causes 43
  Symptoms 43
  Physicians’ Treatment 43
Accidents 376
Acne 63
  Causes 64
  Physicians’ Treatment for Acne 54
  Tincture of Nux Vomica 54
  Calomel 54

Project Gutenberg
Mother's Remedies from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.