Mother's Remedies eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,684 pages of information about Mother's Remedies.

Mother's Remedies eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,684 pages of information about Mother's Remedies.

Hydrothorax.—­This is an exudation (liquid) in the pleural cavity.  Causes.—­Comes from disease causing dropsy, kidney disease, lung trouble, pleurisy, etc.

[44 Mothersremedies]

Physicianstreatment.—­Treat disease that causes it.  An operation to remove the fluid may be necessary.  A trusted physician must advise you.

Night sweats.—­These are common in “consumption” and constitute one of the most distressing features of the disease.  They usually occur when the fever drops in the early morning hours, or at any time of the day when the patient is sleeping.  They may come on early in the disease, but are more persistent and frequent after cavities have formed in the lungs; some of the patients escape it altogether.

Mothersremedies.-l.  Night Sweats, Salt Bath for.—­“Bathe the body in salt water every other day.  Just before retiring take a cup of sage tea, and eat nourishing food,” The salt acts as an astringent as it slightly closes up the pores, and the sage establishes a better circulation and at the same time helps the sweating.  This is a very simple and effective remedy.

2.  Night Sweats, Cold Sage for.—­“Drink cold sage tea, before retiring.”  This cold sage tea is only to be used when the patient has a fever and needs a cold drink.  In case of this kind it would be effective.

Physician’s treatment for Night Sweats.—­l.  Atropine in doses of 1-120 to 1-60 grain is good to stop the sweating.  It must be used carefully, three doses in twenty-four hours are enough.

2.  Tonics to keep up the appetite like gentian, nux vomica or quinine may be given.  The patient should wear flannel night-dresses, as the cotton night-shirt, when soaked with perspiration, has a cold, clammy feeling.  Bathe the patient in the morning with tepid water and afterwards rub gently with alcohol diluted one-half with water.  Night sweating occurs in rickets but mainly around the head.  They also occur when one is run down, but they are not so debilitating and constant.  In such cases, building up treatment is needed.  Proper diet, bathing, out-door life, bitter tonics, etc.

[Animal parasites 45]


Round worm.—­(Ascariasis Lumbricoides).—­The round worm resembles the angle worm in form; is the most common human parasite and is found chiefly in children.  The female is seven to twelve inches long, the male four to eight inches.  It is pointed at both ends.  The parasite occupies the upper part of the small bowel and there is usually only one or two present, but sometimes they occur in enormous numbers.  They migrate in a peculiar manner.  They may pass into the stomach, whence they may be thrown out by vomiting, or they may crawl up the gullet, and enter the pharynx and cause serious trouble. 

Project Gutenberg
Mother's Remedies from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.