Mother's Remedies eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,684 pages of information about Mother's Remedies.

Mother's Remedies eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,684 pages of information about Mother's Remedies.

Tumors.—­A tumor is a new growth which produces a localized enlargement of a part, or an organ, has no tendency to a spontaneous cure, has no useful function, in most cases tends to grow during the whole of the individual’s life.  Clinically, tumors are divided into the benign and the malignant.

A benign tumor is usually composed of tissues, resembling those in which it originates.

A malignant tumor usually consists of tissues widely different from those in which it originates; its growth is rapid and therefore often painful; it infiltrates all the surrounding tissues, however resistant, even bone, because it is never encapsulated; it thus early becomes immovable; the overlying skin is apt to become adherent, especially when the breast is involved.  Sooner or later it usually infects the group of lymphatic glands intervening between it and the venous circulation and from these new centres, or directly through the veins, gives rise to secondary deposits in the internal organs.

Some varieties. 1.  Fibrous tumors; these consist of fibrous tissues. 2.  Fatty tumors (or lipomata); these consist of normal fat tissue. 3.  Cartilaginous tumors; consist of cartilage. 4.  Osseous (bony) tumors. 5.  Mucous tumors (myxomata). 6.  Muscular tumors (myomata). 7.  Vascular tumors (Angeiomata). 8.  Nerve tumors (Neuromata).

Malignant Sarcoma (Sarcomata).—­These are a variety of tumors.  The result of these varies with the location of the tumor.  If located in the jaw, an operation may cure it.  If in the tonsil or lymphatic gland, it destroys life rapidly.  If in the sub-cutaneous tissue, it may be repeatedly removed, the system remaining free, or the amputation of the limb involved will probably cure the disease.

[Illustration:  Circulatory System.]

[Constitutional diseases 337]

Tumors.—­Diagnosis.  It is uncommon under thirty, quite common after.  Epithelioma of the lower lip is limited almost entirely to men.  If, then, a man of from forty to seventy develops a small tumor in the lower lip which ulcerates early, it is likely to be the cancer.  The same applies to some extent to the tongue.  These growths and sores need attention early.

Treatment.—­The best treatment is early free removal of the entire growth before the glands are involved.


Heart disease, Emergency Treatment.—­For collapse or fainting, loosen clothing, lie down, rub camphor on forehead, and keep quiet.

To Revive When Fainting.—­Smell of camphor or aromatic spirits of ammonia.  Put one to two teaspoonfuls of whisky or brandy in eight teaspoonfuls of hot water, and give one or two teaspoonfuls at a time and repeat often.  Some are not accustomed to stimulants and it may strangle them, so give it slowly.  Pulse is weak in such cases, calling for stimulants.

Project Gutenberg
Mother's Remedies from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.