Mother's Remedies eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,684 pages of information about Mother's Remedies.

Mother's Remedies eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,684 pages of information about Mother's Remedies.

In addition, the book gives under each disease the physician’s remedies, the symptoms, causes, preventives wherever important, the diet, nursing, necessity for operations, and much other needful information for the sick-room.  A complete chapter on Nursing and a detailed account of the Baby and its care is perhaps the most useful portion of the book to the mothers who desire to learn all about the baby.  Many home medical books are of doubtful value by reason of exaggerated statements or vague and unusable directions regarding treatments.  Mothers’ Remedies stands squarely upon the foundation of utility and practical every-day usefulness.  No matter how many other home medical books one may have, this is also needful because there’s none other on the market like it.  One of the missions of Mothers’ Remedies in the home is the prevention of disease through its sound sanitary teachings.  It was written exclusively for home use, and its instructions can be followed by anyone who can understand plain English, and the home remedies are extensively explained and recommended so that in emergencies one can always find something of value to use while awaiting the surgeon’s arrival.  It is a well-spring of usefulness in any home, and it gives me genuine pleasure to call attention to it in these few lines, and to bespeak for it the continued enthusiastic reception with which it has met heretofore.

(Signed) Wm. Ellwood Ziegenfuss, M.D. 
Detroit, July 2, 1914.

The National Narcotic law makes it practically impossible for the laity to have prescriptions filled which contain opiates or cocaine.

We therefore have substituted other remedies quite as good whenever this was possible and still retain the efficiency of the prescription.

Dr. W. E. Ziegenfuss
August, 1918.



Striking, characteristic symptoms
of Many Diseases for Quick Reference and Comparison
when in doubt
before calling the doctor.

Appendicitis.—­Loss of appetite.  There may be nausea and vomiting; there is usually a sudden onset of pain, often sharp and severe in the whole or part of the abdomen.  Later the pain settles in the right groin.  Patient lies on his back with his right knee drawn up.  The muscles become rigid on the right side and later a lump appears in the right groin (iliac fossa).

Anemia.—­This disease is a diminution of the total quantity of the blood of its red cells, or red corpuscles or of their Haemoglobin, the coloring matter of the red corpuscles.  Some difficulty of breathing.  Palpitation on least exertion, tendency to faint, headache, tired, irritable, poor or changeable appetite, digestive disturbances, constipation, cold hands and feet, difficult and painful menstruation (dysmenorrhea), irregular menstruation, leucorrhea.  And when the skin is pale, yellowish green tinge, with perhaps flushed cheeks, it might properly be called chlorosis or “green sickness.”

Project Gutenberg
Mother's Remedies from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.