The German Element in Brazil eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 50 pages of information about The German Element in Brazil.

The German Element in Brazil eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 50 pages of information about The German Element in Brazil.
Minas Geraes...............   5,000.   Sommer. 
Espirito Santo.............  25,000.   Ludwig[39]
Rio (Fed.  Dist.)...........  18,000.   Sommer. 
Sao Paulo..................  32,000.   Ibid. 
Parana ....................  35,000.   Ibid. 
Santa Catharina............ 100,000.   Mueller von Koenigswinter
Rio Grande do Sul.......... 250,000.   Ibid. 
Northern and Central States
(including Bahia)........  10,000.   Sommer.
Total...................... 475,000.

Making a fairly liberal allowance for underestimates, we may regard the number 500,000 as representing the total number of citizens of German descent in Brazil to-day.[40]


[Footnote 1:  V. Tootal, p.  XCV.]

[Footnote 2:  V. Kluepfel, pp. 121 and 162.]

[Footnote 3:  Cf. Sommer:  “Manoel Beckmann.” German American Annals. New Series.  Vol. 14, Nos. 5 and 6, 1916, pp. 189-196.  Also Pereira da Silva:  Quadros.... p. 111.]

[Footnote 4:  V. Ludwig, p. 27.]

[Footnote 5:  It is emphasized that only colonies (state, provincial, or private) in which the German element forms an important part of the population are noted.]

[Footnote 6:  These are commonly designated as “Imperial Colonies.”]

[Footnote 7:  A comparatively very small number of Germans are located in the northern and western states of Brazil.  They primarily follow business or professional careers and can hardly be classed as settlers.  Consequently they do not come in consideration in this work.]

[Footnote 8:  Cf. Sellin, Das Kaiserreich Brasilien, Vol.  II, p. 80.]

[Footnote 9:  Ibid.]

[Footnote 10:  Formerly called “Philadelphia.”]

[Footnote 11:  Cf. Report of Pedro Rache, Inspector do Servico de Povoamento, in Relatorio.]

[Footnote 12:  Koehler was born in Mainz in 1810.  At the age of 23 he went to Brazil and soon became a naturalized citizen of the country.  He entered the government service and was promoted to the rank of major in the engineering corps in 1842.  Died in Petropolis in 1847.]

[Footnote 13:  Cf. report of the inspector Antonio Ribeiro de Castro Sobrinho in Relatorio.]

[Footnote 14:  V. Marcondes de Souza:  O Estado de Sao Paulo, p. 195. Cf. statement by Ernst Heinke in Jahrbuch, Erstes ..., p. 250.]

[Footnote 15:  I.e., lease of a section of land for the return of one-half of the yearly products.]

[Footnote 16:  A Prussian ministerial decree (also adopted by other German states) forbidding the emigration of German citizens to Brazil.  In 1896 it was revoked for the three most southern states of Brazil, i.e., Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catharina and Parana.]

[Footnote 17:  Cf. statements by C.F.  Scheler in Jahrbuch, Erstes ..., p. 175 ff.]

Project Gutenberg
The German Element in Brazil from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.