The Romantic Settlement of Lord Selkirk's Colonists eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 245 pages of information about The Romantic Settlement of Lord Selkirk's Colonists.

The Romantic Settlement of Lord Selkirk's Colonists eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 245 pages of information about The Romantic Settlement of Lord Selkirk's Colonists.
English half-breed leader, undertook the duty.  Sayer was then brought in, guarded by twenty of his compatriots, fully armed, while fifty Metis guards stood at the gates of the Court House enclosure.  An attempt was then made to select a jury, but it was fruitless.  Sayer next confessed that he had traded for furs with an Indian.  The Court then gave a verdict of guilty, whereupon Sayer proved that a Hudson’s Bay officer named Harriott, had given him authority to trade.  The other three cases against the Metis were not proceeded with, and Governor, Recorder, officials and spectators all left the Court room, the mob being of the impression that the prisoners had been acquitted, and that trading for furs was no longer illegal.  Though this was not the decision yet the crowd so took it up, and made the welkin ring with shouts (Le Commerce est libre, vive la liberte) “Commerce is free, long live liberty.”

The Metis then crossed the river to St. Boniface, and after much cheering, fired several salutes with their guns.  It was their victory, but it was one in which the vast mass of the English-speaking rejoiced for the bands of tyranny were broken.  Judge Thom, under instructions from Governor Simpson, never acted as Recorder again, but was simply Secretary of the Court, and another reigned in his stead.  After this the Court was largely without authority, and as has been said the rescue of prisoners was not an infrequent occurrence in the future life of the Settlement.


Off to the buffalo.

Alexander Ross was a Scottish Highlander, who came to Glengarry in Canada, quite a century ago, joined Astor’s expedition, went around Cape Horn and in British Columbia rose to be an officer in the Northwest Company.  He married the daughter of an Indian Chief at Okanagan, came over the Rocky Mountains, and was given by Sir George Simpson a free gift of a farm, where Ross and James Streets are now found in Winnipeg.  This land is to-day worth many millions of dollars.  Ross was also fond of hunting the buffalo, and we are fortunate in having his spirited story of 1840.


In the leafy month of June carts were seen to emerge from every nook and corner of the Settlement bound for the plains.  As they passed us, many things were discovered to be still wanting, to supply which a halt had to be made at Fort Garry shop; one wanted this thing, another that, but all on credit.  The day of payment was yet to come; but payment was promised.  Many on the present occasion were supplied, many were not; they got and grumbled, and grumbled and got, till they could get no more; and at last went off, still grumbling and discontented.

Project Gutenberg
The Romantic Settlement of Lord Selkirk's Colonists from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.