Tablets of Bahá’u’lláh Revealed after the Kitab-i-Aqdas eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 235 pages of information about Tablets of Bahá’u’lláh Revealed after the Kitab-i-Aqdas.

Tablets of Bahá’u’lláh Revealed after the Kitab-i-Aqdas eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 235 pages of information about Tablets of Bahá’u’lláh Revealed after the Kitab-i-Aqdas.

May glory from Our presence rest upon those who have set their faces toward the Dayspring of His Revelation and have acknowledged and recognized that which the Tongue of utterance hath spoken in the kingdom of knowledge in this blessed, this glorious and incomparable Day.


In My Name, calling aloud in the Kingdom of Utterance

PRAISE and thanksgiving beseem the Lord of manifest dominion Who hath adorned the mighty prison with the presence of their honours ’Ali-Akbar and Amin, and hath illumined it with the light of certitude, constancy and assurance.(22) The glory of God and the glory of all that are in the heavens and on the earth be upon them.

Light and glory, greeting and praise be upon the Hands of His Cause, through whom the light of fortitude hath shone forth and the truth hath been established that the authority to choose rests with God, the Powerful, the Mighty, the Unconstrained, through whom the ocean of bounty hath surged and the fragrance of the gracious favours of God, the Lord of mankind, hath been diffused.  We beseech Him—­exalted is He—­to shield them through the power of His hosts, to protect them through the potency of His dominion and to aid them through His indomitable strength which prevaileth over all created things.  Sovereignty is God’s, the Creator of the heavens and the Lord of the Kingdom of Names.

The Great Announcement proclaimeth:  O people of Persia!  In former times ye have been the symbols of mercy and the embodiments of affection and kindliness.  The regions of the world were illumined and embellished by the brightness of the light of your knowledge and by the blaze of your erudition.  How is it that you have arisen to destroy yourselves and your friends with your own hands?

O Afnan, O thou that has branched from Mine ancient Stock!  My glory and My loving-kindness rest upon thee.  How vast is the tabernacle of the Cause of God!  It hath overshadowed all the peoples and kindreds of the earth, and will, ere long, gather together the whole of mankind beneath its shelter.  Thy day of service is now come.  Countless Tablets bear the testimony of the bounties vouchsafed unto thee.  Arise for the triumph of My Cause, and, through the power of thine utterance, subdue the hearts of men.  Thou must show forth that which will ensure the peace and the well-being of the miserable and the downtrodden.  Gird up the loins of thine endeavour, that perchance thou mayest release the captive from his chains, and enable him to attain unto true liberty.

Project Gutenberg
Tablets of Bahá’u’lláh Revealed after the Kitab-i-Aqdas from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.