Herzegovina eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 227 pages of information about Herzegovina.

Herzegovina eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 227 pages of information about Herzegovina.


In conclusion, I would venture to call attention to the fact that the preceding pages were written before events had assumed the aspect which they now wear.  Actual hostilities had not then commenced against Montenegro; the Turkish Government had not then contracted the loan which has opened up new prospects for the finances of the country.

That Omer Pacha has not already brought the war to a close is to be regretted, but let those who criticise the slowness of his movements weigh well all the disadvantages against which he has to contend.

It would be useless to enumerate these again, as they are alluded to more than once in the course of this volume.  Suffice it to say, then, that if Cettigne be taken and Montenegro occupied before the end of the present year, Omer Pacha will have placed another feather in his cap, and will have materially increased the debt of gratitude to which he is already entitled.


The following is an extract of a letter from the young Prince of Montenegro, addressed to the Consuls of the Great Powers.  The sentiments which it expresses are creditable enough, and, did his acts corroborate his words, he would be well entitled to the sympathy which he demands.

     Cettigne, le 30 juillet 1861.

     Monsieur le Consul,

A l’occasion de la recente et grave mesure prise par la Turquie envers le Montenegro, je crois devoir rompre le silence et faire connaitre succinctement a MM. les Consuls des Grandes Puissances qu’elle a ete tenue depuis un an par le Montenegro vis-a-vis de l’empire ottoman.
Depuis mon avenement j’ai employe tout mon pouvoir a maintenir la tranquillite.  Sur les frontieres je n’ai rien neglige pour eloigner tout motif de collision, pour calmer les animosites seculaires qui separent les deux peuples, en un mot, pour donner a la Turquie les preuves les plus irrefragables de meilleur voisinage.
Dans une occasion toute recente je me suis rendu avec empressement au desir exprime par les Grandes Puissances de me voir contribuer autant qu’il etait dans mon pouvoir au soulagement des malheureux enfermes dans la forteresse de Niksich.  J’ai ete heureux de pouvoir en pareilles circonstances donner une preuve de deference aux Grandes Puissances, et de pouvoir repondre, comme il convenait a un souverain et un peuple chretien, a l’appel fait a ses sentiments d’humanite.  Je ne me suis point arrete devant la consideration d’un interet personnel.



Project Gutenberg
Herzegovina from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.