The Destiny of Man eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 63 pages of information about The Destiny of Man.

The Destiny of Man eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 63 pages of information about The Destiny of Man.
fancied consequences.  For his knowledge of the history of human thinking assures him that such methods have through all past time proved barren of aught save strife, while his own bold yet humble method is the only one through which truth has ever been elicited.  To pursue unflinchingly the methods of science requires dauntless courage and a faith that nothing can shake.  Such courage and such loyalty to nature brings its own reward.  For when once the formidable theory is really understood, when once its implications are properly unfolded, it is seen to have no such logical consequences as were at first ascribed to it.  As with the Copernican astronomy, so with the Darwinian biology, we rise to a higher view of the workings of God and of the nature of Man than was ever attainable before.  So far from degrading Humanity, or putting it on a level with the animal world in general, the Darwinian theory shows us distinctly for the first time how the creation and the perfecting of Man is the goal toward which Nature’s work has all the while been tending.  It enlarges tenfold the significance of human life, places it upon even a loftier eminence than poets or prophets have imagined, and makes it seem more than ever the chief object of that creative activity which is manifested in the physical universe.


On the Earth there will never be a Higher Creature than Man.

In elucidating these points, we may fitly begin by considering the question as to the possibility of the evolution of any higher creature than Man, to whom the dominion over this earth shall pass.  The question will best be answered by turning back and observing one of the most remarkable features connected with the origin of Man and with his superiority over other animals.  And let it be borne in mind that we are not now about to wander through the regions of unconditional possibility.  We are not dealing with vague general notions of development, but with the scientific Darwinian theory, which alleges development only as the result of certain rigorously defined agencies.  The chief among these agencies is Natural Selection.  It has again and again been illustrated how by the cumulative selection and inheritance of slight physical variations generic differences, like those between the tiger and the leopard, or the cow and the antelope, at length arise; and the guiding principle in the accumulation of slight physical differences has been the welfare of the species.  The variant forms on either side have survived while the constant forms have perished, so that the lines of demarcation between allied species have grown more and more distinct, and it is usually only by going back to fossil ages that we can supply the missing links of continuity.  In the desperate struggle for existence no peculiarity, physical or psychical, however slight, has been too insignificant for natural selection to seize and enhance; and the myriad fantastic forms and hues of animal

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The Destiny of Man from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.