Stories about the Instinct of Animals, Their Characters, and Habits eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 120 pages of information about Stories about the Instinct of Animals, Their Characters, and Habits.

Stories about the Instinct of Animals, Their Characters, and Habits eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 120 pages of information about Stories about the Instinct of Animals, Their Characters, and Habits.

“The only thing which this fugitive had to arrest his attention in his dreary abode, was administering comfort to the goat; and he was indeed thankful to have any living creature beside him.  It quickly recovered, and became tenderly attached to him.  It happened that the servant who was intrusted with the secret of his retreat fell sick, when it became necessary to send another with provisions.  The goat, on this occasion, happening to be lying near the mouth of the cavern, opposed his entrance with all her might, butting him furiously; the fugitive, hearing a disturbance, went forward, and receiving the watchword from his new attendant, interposed, and the faithful goat permitted him to pass.  So resolute was the animal on this occasion, that the gentleman was convinced she would have died in his defence.”


Uncle Thomas relates some Very Remarkable Stories about the Cat; points out to the Boys the Connexion subsisting between the Domestic Cat and the Lion, Tiger, &c., and tells them some Stories about the Gentleness, as well as the Ferocity of these Animals.

“Though far from being so general a favourite as the dog, the domestic cat has many qualities to recommend it to attention and regard, and some of the stories which I am going to tell you exhibit instances of instinctive attachment and gentleness which cannot be surpassed.

“Here is one of attachment, which will match with the best of those of the dog.

“A cat which had been brought up in a family became extremely attached to the eldest child, a little boy, who was very fond of playing with her.  She bore with the most exemplary patience any maltreatment which she received from him—­which even good-natured children seldom fail, occasionally, to give to animals in their sports with them—­without ever making any attempt at resistance.  As the cat grew up, however, she daily quitted her playfellow for a time, from whom she had formerly been inseparable, in order to follow her natural propensity to catch mice; but even when engaged in this employment, she did not forget her friend; for, as soon as she had caught a mouse, she brought it alive to him.  If he showed an inclination to take her prey from her, she anticipated him, by letting it run, and waited to see whether he was able to catch it.  If he did not, the cat darted at, seized it, and laid it again before him; and in this manner the sport continued as long as the child showed any inclination for the amusement.

“At length the boy was attacked by smallpox, and, during the early stages of his disorder, the cat never quitted his bed-side; but, as his danger increased, it was found necessary to remove the cat and lock it up.  The child died.  On the following day, the cat having escaped from her confinement, immediately ran to the apartment where she hoped to find her playmate.  Disappointed in her expectation,

Project Gutenberg
Stories about the Instinct of Animals, Their Characters, and Habits from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.