Within the Temple of Isis eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 73 pages of information about Within the Temple of Isis.

Within the Temple of Isis eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 73 pages of information about Within the Temple of Isis.

Although the soul of the, now known, Princess was highly developed it could find but few responsive echoes from the dormant spiritual organs of the brain.  These she must arouse to sensitiveness and action.  It was this that gave rise to the peculiar ideas, expressed in her conversation, that so mystified her friends.  Visitors soon began to pour in upon her congratulations, presents and invitations to once again enter the gilded salons of fashion and the round of amusements that are the daily life of a favorite Princess.  To all she gave a modest, quiet reply, neither accepting nor rejecting their attentions, which left them in wondering doubt at times of her sanity.

In the midst of some grand occasion she would be suddenly missed and on being sought out would be found concealed in some pleasant nook, or even out in the open air, or beside an open window, absorbed in meditation or gazing into the heavens.  When her attention was attracted she would start and, with a strange, far-away look in her eyes that would indicate to a superficial observer she had been asleep, would allow herself to be led back and enter the festivities of the hour.

With all their efforts they could not enthuse her with the excitement and merriment surrounding her.  But, if any one should become serious and express thoughts that appealed to the interior, she was all attention and the questions that were so ready when such an opportunity afforded showed plainly that, although present in body, the soul and interests were in other realms and spheres than this.

No one but Rathunor could hold her attention for any length of time.  With him she was animated, and charmingly beautiful and joyous and would, with some enthusiasm, enter into the pleasantries of the hour which brought to her face the charming attraction of natural beauty.  Behind those orbs of vision there seemed to shine forth a light that was more radiant than the gorgeously brilliant illuminations of the salons.  Her beautiful face, her perfect form and bearing, made her the center of attraction and she was much sought after.  But, as soon as she was induced to leave Rathunor’s side, that which made her presence so irresistibly attractive and radiant before, faded out.

Thus time passed on, and as health returned, Prince Rathunor pressed his suit.  There was now, no apparent reason why he could not claim his promised bride and make the Princess Nu-nah his own.  His more earnest friends cautioned him to wait further developments and, in an undertone, reminded him of the peculiar and unnatural bearing of the Princess at times.  They were sure, in time, their once lovely Princess would be herself again.  Rathunor listened, knowing their kindly interest sprang from good motives, but he was silent—­he could not speak for none would understand.  The yearnings of his heart and soul would not be quelled by any outward show.

Project Gutenberg
Within the Temple of Isis from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.