The Tapestry Room eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 190 pages of information about The Tapestry Room.

The Tapestry Room eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 190 pages of information about The Tapestry Room.

“I looked at her again, and then, sure that she and her sister were both watching me with attention, I sprang up the side of the wall next the little stranger’s house, hopped over the balcony railings, and finding, as I expected, my little friend crouched down in the corner, I gave a loud, sharp croak, as if something were the matter.  Charlotte started up in a fright, and the young ladies, watching me curiously, for the first time observed her little figure.

“‘Why, Dudu has a friend up there!’ exclaimed Mademoiselle Jeanne—­your great-grandmother, my dears.  ‘Mademoiselle,’ she called out to the little girl, whose small black figure did not look very much bigger than mine as we stood up there side by side; ’Mademoiselle, do not be frightened of our old raven.  He will not hurt you.’

“‘I am not frightened, thank you,’ said the little girl’s gentle voice.  ’He has been to see me before.  I was only startled when he made that funny noise.  But O Mesdemoiselles,’ she continued, clasping her hands in entreaty, ’you do not know how I should like to come down into your garden and play with you, or at least,’ as she suddenly recollected that such tall young ladies were rather past the age for mere ‘playing,’ ’walk about and talk with you.  I have watched you so many days, and I am so lonely.  But I did not like to speak to you unless you spoke to me.’

“‘We never saw you,’ said Mademoiselle Eliane.  ’We should have seen you now but for the funny way Dudu has been going on, as if he wanted to introduce us to each other.’

“I felt quite proud when Mademoiselle Eliane said that.  It has always been a gratification to me to find myself understood.  And I felt still prouder when the little girl replied, looking at me gratefully,

“’How nice of him!  He must have understood what I said to him in fun the other day.  But O Mesdemoiselles,’ she went on, ’may I come down to you?’

“‘How can you get down?’ said Mademoiselle Jeanne; ’and are you sure your mother would not mind?’

“‘I have no mother,’ said the little girl sadly, ’and my aunt would not mind, I know.  She never minds what I do, if I don’t make a noise.’

“‘But how can you get down?’ repeated Mademoiselle Jeanne, ’unless Dudu can take you on his back and fly with you!’

“‘Oh, I can easily get down,’ said the little girl; ’I have often planned it.  I can climb over the railings at this end—­look, there is a jutting-out ledge that I can put my foot on.  Then I can stand a minute outside and jump—­if you will come close to, so that I shall not roll down the terrace bank.’



“One after another they flew away
Far up to the heavenly blue,
To the better country, the upper day——­”

Project Gutenberg
The Tapestry Room from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.