Watch and Clock Escapements eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 236 pages of information about Watch and Clock Escapements.

Watch and Clock Escapements eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 236 pages of information about Watch and Clock Escapements.

Fig. 72 is supposed to be seen from above.  It is evident that if we remove the balance from the movement shown at C, leaving power on the train, and with an oiling tool or hair broach move the lever back and forth, the index hand A’ will show in a magnified manner the angular motion of the lever.  Now if we provide an index arc, as shown at D, we can measure the extent of such motion from bank to bank.

[Illustration:  Fig. 73]

[Illustration:  Fig. 74]

To get up such an index arc we first make a stand as shown at E F, Fig. 73.  The arc D is made to 11/2” radius, to agree with the index hand A’, and is divided into twelve degree spaces, six each side of a zero, as shown at Fig. 74, which is an enlarged view of the index D in Fig. 72.  The index arc is attached to a short bit of wire extending down into the support E, and made adjustable as to height by the set-screw l.  Let us suppose the index arc is adjusted to the index hand A’, and we move the fork as suggested; you see the hand would show exactly the arc passed through from bank to bank, and by moving the stand E F we can arrange so the zero mark on the scale stands in the center of such arc.  This, of course, gives the angular motion from bank to bank.  As an experiment, let us close the bankings so they arrest the fork at the instant the tooth drops from each pallet.  If this arc is ten degrees, the pallet action is as it should be with the majority of modern watches.


Let us try another experiment:  We carefully move the fork away from the bank, and if after the index hand has passed through one and a half degrees the fork flies over, we know the lock is right.  We repeat the experiment from the opposite bank, and in the same manner determine if the lock is right on the other pallets.  You see we have now the means of measuring not only the angular motion of the lever, but the angular extent of the lock.  At first glance one would say that if now we bring the roller and fork action to coincide and act in unison with the pallet action, we would be all right; and so we would, but frequently this bringing of the roller and fork to agree is not so easily accomplished.

It is chiefly toward this end the Waltham fork is made adjustable, so it can be moved to or from the roller, and also that we can allow the pallet arms to be moved, as we will try and explain.  As we set the bankings the pallets are all right; but to test matters, let us remove the hairspring and put the balance in place.  Now, if the jewel pin passes in and out of the fork, it is to be supposed the fork and roller action is all right.  To test the fork and roller action we close the banking a little on one side.  If the fork and jewel pin are related to each other as they should be, the jewel pin will not pass out of the fork, nor will the engaged tooth drop from that pallet.  This condition should obtain on both pallets, that is, if the jewel pin will not pass out of the fork on a given bank the tooth engaged on its pallet should not drop.

Project Gutenberg
Watch and Clock Escapements from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.