Watch and Clock Escapements eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 236 pages of information about Watch and Clock Escapements.

Watch and Clock Escapements eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 236 pages of information about Watch and Clock Escapements.

If the escapement is all right, the teeth will have one and a half degrees lock and escape correctly; but in the instance we are considering, the stone will not permit the teeth to pass, and must be pushed in until they will.  It is not a very difficult matter after we have placed the parts together so we can see exactly how much the pallet protrudes beyond what is necessary, to judge how far to push it back when we have it out and heated.  There is still an “if” in the problem we are considering, which lies in the fact that the fork we are experimenting with may be too short for the jewel pin to engage it for ten degrees of angular motion.

This condition a man of large experience will be able to judge of very closely, but the better plan for the workman is to make for himself a test gage for the angular movement of the fork.  Of course it will be understood that with a fork which engages the roller for eight degrees of fork action, such fork will not give good results with pallets ground for ten degrees of pallet action; still, in many instances, a compromise can be effected which will give results that will satisfy the owner of a watch of moderate cost, and from a financial point of view it stands the repairer in hand to do no more work than is absolutely necessary to keep him well pleased.

We have just made mention of a device for testing the angular motion of the lever.  Before we take up this matter, however, we will devote a little time and attention to the subject of jewel pins and how to set them.  We have heretofore only considered jewel pins of one form, that is, a round jewel pin with two-fifths cut away.  We assumed this form from the fact that experience has demonstrated that it is the most practicable and efficient form so far devised or applied.  Subsequently we shall take up the subject of jewel pins of different shapes.


Many workmen have a mortal terror of setting a jewel pin and seem to fancy that they must have a specially-devised instrument for accomplishing this end.  Most American watches have the hole for the jewel pin “a world too wide” for it, and we have heard repeated complaints from this cause.  Probably the original object of this accommodating sort of hole was to favor or obviate faults of pallet action.  Let us suppose, for illustration, that we have a roller with the usual style of hole for a jewel pin which will take almost anything from the size of a No. 12 sewing needle up to a round French clock pallet.

[Illustration:  Fig. 65]

We are restricted as regards the proper size of jewel pin by the width of the slot in the fork.  Selecting a jewel which just fits the fork, we can set it as regards its relation to the staff so it will cause the pitch circle of the jewel pin to coincide with either of dotted circles a or a’, Fig. 65.  This will perhaps be better understood by referring to Fig. 66, which is a view of Fig. 65 seen in the direction of the arrow c.  Here we see the roller jewel at D, and if we bring it forward as far as the hole in the roller will permit, it will occupy the position indicated at the dotted lines; and if we set it in (toward the staff) as far as the hole will allow, it will occupy the position indicated by the full outline.

Project Gutenberg
Watch and Clock Escapements from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.