Watch and Clock Escapements eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 236 pages of information about Watch and Clock Escapements.

Watch and Clock Escapements eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 236 pages of information about Watch and Clock Escapements.

Speaking of a balance of this kind suggests to the writer the trouble he experienced in procuring material for a model of this kind—­for the balance, a pattern had to be made, then a casting made, then a machinist turned the casting up, as it was too large for an American lathe.  A hairspring had to be specially made, inasmuch as a mainspring was too short, the coils too open and, more particularly, did not look well.  Pallet jewels had to be made, and lapidists have usually poor ideas of close measurements.  Present-day conditions, however, will, no doubt, enable the workman to follow our instructions much more readily.


In case the reader makes the bridges C and F, as shown in Fig. 27, he should locate small circles on them to indicate the position of the screws for securing these bridges to the pillars which support them, and also other small circles to indicate the position of the pivot holes d b for the escape wheel and pallet staff.  In practice it will be well to draw the line a a through the center of the main plate A, as previously directed, and also establish the point d as therein directed.

The pivot hole d’ for the escape wheel, and also the holes at e e and b, are now drilled in the bridge F.  These holes should be about 1/16” in diameter.  The same sized hole is also drilled in the main plate A at d.  We now place a nicely-fitting steel pin in the hole d’ in the bridge F and let it extend into the hole d in the main plate.  We clamp the bridge F to A so the hole b comes central on the line a, and using the holes e e in F as guides, drill or mark the corresponding holes e’ e’ and b in the main plate for the pillars E E’ and the pallet staff.

[Illustration:  Fig. 27]

This plan will insure the escape wheel and pallet staff being perfectly upright.  The same course pursued with the plate C will insure the balance being upright.  The pillars which support the bridges are shaped as shown at Fig. 28, which shows a side view of one of the pillars which support the top plate or bridge C.  The ends are turned to 1/4” in diameter and extend half through the plate, where they are held by screws, the same as in American movements.

[Illustration:  Fig. 28]

The pillars (like H) can be riveted in the lower plate A, but we think most workmen will find it more satisfactory to employ screws, as shown at Fig. 29.  The heads of such screws should be about 3/8” in diameter and nicely rounded, polished and blued.  We would not advise jeweling the pivot holes, because there is but slight friction, except to the foot of the balance pivot, which should be jeweled with a plano-convex garnet.

[Illustration:  Fig. 29]

Project Gutenberg
Watch and Clock Escapements from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.