Watch and Clock Escapements eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 236 pages of information about Watch and Clock Escapements.

Watch and Clock Escapements eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 236 pages of information about Watch and Clock Escapements.
a screw from l up to the dotted line p.  The sleeve F is run on the screw t and now appears as shown at Fig. 175, with the addition of a handle shown at G G’.  It is evident that we can allow the pivot s to protrude from the sleeve F any portion of its length, and regulate such protrusion by the screw t.  To employ this tool for getting the proper length to which to cut the pivot y, Fig. 171, we remove the lower cap jewel to the cylinder pivot and, holding, the movement in the left hand, pass the pivot s, Fig. 175, up through the hole jewel, regulate the length by turning the sleeve F until the arm of the escape wheel I, Fig. 176, will just turn free over it.  Now the length of the pivot s, which protrudes beyond the sleeve F, coincides with the length to which we must cut the pivot y, Fig. 171.  To hold a cylinder for reducing the length of the pivot y, we hold said pivot in a pair of thin-edged cutting pliers, as shown at Fig. 177, where N N’ represent the jaws of a pair of cutting pliers and y the pivot to be cut.  The measurement is made by putting the pivot s between the jaws N N’ as they hold the pivot.  The cutting is done by simply filing back the pivot until of the right length.


We have now the pivot y of the proper length, and what remains to be done is to turn it to the right size.  We do not think it advisable to try to use a split chuck, although we have seen workmen drive the shell A A’’’ out of the collet D and then turn up the pivots y z in said wire chuck.  To our judgment there is but one chuck for turning pivots, and this is the cement chuck provided with all American lathes.  Many workmen object to a cement chuck, but we think no man should lay claim to the name of watchmaker until he masters the mystery of the cement chuck.  It is not such a very difficult matter, and the skill once acquired would not be parted with cheaply.  One thing has served to put the wax or cement chuck into disfavor, and that is the abominable stuff sold by some material houses for lathe cement.  The original cement, made and patented by James Bottum for his cement chuck, was made up of a rather complicated mixture; but all the substances really demanded in such cement are ultramarine blue and a good quality of shellac.  These ingredients are compounded in the proportion of 8 parts of shellac and 1 part of ultramarine—­all by weight.


The shellac is melted in an iron vessel, and the ultramarine added and stirred to incorporate the parts.  Care should be observed not to burn the shellac.  While warm, the melted mass is poured on to a cold slab of iron or stone, and while plastic made into sticks about 1/2” in diameter.

Project Gutenberg
Watch and Clock Escapements from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.