Prayers and Meditations eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 301 pages of information about Prayers and Meditations.

Prayers and Meditations eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 301 pages of information about Prayers and Meditations.

I swear by Thy might, O my Beloved!  To make mention of any created thing beseemeth not Thy most exalted Self, and to bestow any praise upon any one of Thy creatures would be wholly unworthy of Thy great glory.  Nay, such a mention would be but blasphemy uttered within the court of Thy holiness, and such praise would amount to no less than a transgression in the face of the evidences of Thy Divine sovereignty.  For the mere mention of any one of Thy creatures would in itself imply an assertion of their existence before the court of Thy singleness and unity.  Such an assertion would be naught but open blasphemy, an act of impiety, the essence of profanity and a wanton crime.

Wherefore, I bear witness with my soul, my spirit, my entire being, that should They Who are the Day-Springs of Thy most holy unity and the Manifestations of Thy transcendent oneness be able to soar so long as Thine own sovereignty endureth and Thine all-compelling authority can last, they will fail in the end to attain unto even the precincts of the court wherein Thou didst reveal the effulgence of but one of Thy most mighty Names.  Glorified, glorified be, therefore, Thy wondrous majesty.  Glorified, glorified be Thine unattainable loftiness.  Glorified, glorified be the preeminence of Thy kingship and the sublimity of Thine authority and power.

The highest faculties which the learned have possessed, and whatsoever truths they, in their search after the gems of Thy knowledge, have discovered; the brightest realities with which the wise have been endowed, and whatever secrets they, in their attempts to fathom the mysteries of Thy wisdom, have unraveled, have all been created through the generative power of the Spirit that was breathed into the Pen which Thy hands have fashioned.  How, then, can the thing which Thy Pen hath created be capable of comprehending those treasures of Thy Faith with which, as decreed by Thee, that Pen hath been invested?  How can it ever know of the Fingers that grasp Thy Pen, and of Thy merciful favors with which it hath been endowed?  How can it, already unable to reach this station, be made aware of the existence of Thy Hand that controlleth the Fingers of Thy might?  How can it attain unto the comprehension of the nature of Thy Will that animateth the movement of Thy Hand?

Glorified, glorified be Thou, O my God!  How can I ever hope to ascend into the heaven of Thy most holy will, or gain admittance into the tabernacle of Thy Divine knowledge, knowing as I do that the minds of the wise and learned are impotent to fathom the secrets of Thy handiwork—­a handiwork which is itself but a creation of Thy will?

Project Gutenberg
Prayers and Meditations from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.