History of the United States eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 731 pages of information about History of the United States.

History of the United States eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 731 pages of information about History of the United States.

Prohibition, 591f.

Proprietary colonies, 3, 6

Provinces, royal, 49ff.

Public service, 538ff.

Pulaski, 121

Pullman strike, 465

Pure food act, 523

Puritans, 3, 7, 40ff.

Quakers, 6ff.

Quartering act, 83

Quebec act, 94

Queen Anne’s War, 59

Quit rents, 21f.

Radicals, 579

Railways, 298, 402, 425, 460ff., 547, 621

Randolph, Edmund, 146, 147, 162

Ratification, of Constitution, 156ff.

Recall, 543

Reclamation, 523ff.

Reconstruction, 370ff.

Referendum, the, 543

Reign of terror, 174

Republicans:  Jeffersonian, 179
  rise of present party, 334ff.
  supremacy of, 412ff.
  See also McKinley, Roosevelt, and Taft

Resumption, 454

Revolution:  American, 99ff. 
  French, 171ff. 
  Russian, 619

Rhode Island:  founded, 4ff.
  self-government, 49
  See also Suffrage

Roosevelt, Theodore, 492, 500ff., 531, 570

Royal province, 49ff.

Russia, 205, 207, 355, 479, 619

Russo-Japanese War, 511f.

Saint Mihiel, 612

Samoa, 481

San Jacinto, 280

Santa Fe trail, 287

Santo Domingo, 480, 513, 592

Saratoga, battle, 116, 130

Savannah, 116, 131

Scandinavians, 278

Schools. See Education

Scott, General, 283, 330

Scotch-Irish, 7ff.

Seamen’s act, 590

Sea power:  American Revolution, 118
  Napoleonic wars, 193ff. 
  Civil War, 353
  Caribbean, 593
  Pacific, 447
  World War, 610ff.

Secession, 344ff.

Sedition:  act of 1798, 180ff., 187
  of 1918, 608

Senators, popular election, 527, 541ff.

Seven Years’ War, 60ff.

Sevier, John, 218

Seward, W.H., 322, 342

Shafter, General, 492

Shays’s rebellion, 142

Sherman, General, 361

Sherman:  anti-trust law, 461
  silver act, 458

Shiloh, 361

Shipping. See Commerce

Shipping act, 607

Silver, free, 455ff.

Slavery:  colonial, 16f.
  trade, 150
  in Northwest, 219
  decline in North, 316f.
  growth in South, 320ff.
  and the Constitution, 324
  and territories, 325ff.
  compromises, 350
  abolished, 357ff.

Smith, Joseph, 290

Socialism, 577ff.

Solid South, 388

Solomon, Hayn, 126

Sons of liberty, 82

South:  economic and political views, 309ff.
  See also Slavery and Planting system, and Reconstruction

Project Gutenberg
History of the United States from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.