History of the United States eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 731 pages of information about History of the United States.

History of the United States eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 731 pages of information about History of the United States.

New Jersey, founded, 6.
   See also Immigration, Royal province, Suffrage, and
     Constitutions, state

Newlands, Senator, 524

New Mexico, admission, 443

New Orleans, 59, 190
  battle, 201

Newspapers, colonial, 46ff.

New York:  founded by Dutch, 3
  transferred to English, 49
  See also Dutch, Immigration, Royal province, Commerce, Suffrage,
    and Constitutions, state

New York City, colonial, 36

Niagara, Fort, 59

Nicaragua protectorate, 594

Non-intercourse act, 196ff.

Non-importation, 84ff., 99

North, Lord, 100, 131, 133

North Carolina:  founded, 6.
  See also Royal province, Immigration, Suffrage, and Constitutions,

North Dakota, admission, 442

Northwest Ordinance, 219

Nullification, 182, 251ff.

Oglethorpe, James, 3

Ohio, admission, 225

Oklahoma, admission, 443

Open door policy, 500

Oregon, 284ff.

Ostend Manifesto, 486

Otis, James, 88, 95f.

Pacific, American influence, 447

Paine, Thomas, 103, 115, 175

Panama Canal, 508ff.

Panics:  1837, 262
  1857, 336
  1873, 464
  1893, 465

Parcel post, 529

Parker, A.B., 527

Parties:  rise of, 168ff. 
  Federalists, 169ff. 
  Anti-Federalists (Jeffersonian Republicans), 169ff. 
  Democrats, 260
  Whigs, 260ff. 
  Republicans, 334ff. 
  Liberal Republicans, 420
  Constitutional union, 340
  minor parties, 462ff.

Paterson, William, 196ff.

Penn, William, 6

Pennsylvania:  founded, 6
  See also Penn, Germans, Immigration, Industry, Revolutionary War,
    Constitutions, state, Suffrage

Pennsylvania University, 45

Pensions, soldiers and sailors, 413, 607
  mothers’, 551

Pequots, 57

Perry, O.H., 200

Pershing, General, 610

Philadelphia, 36, 116

Philippines, 492ff., 516ff., 592

Phillips, Wendell, 320

Pierce, Franklin, 295, 330

Pike, Z., 193, 287

Pilgrims, 4

Pinckney, Charles, 148

Pitt, William, 61, 79, 87, 132

Planting system, 22f., 25, 149, 389, 393ff.

Plymouth, 4, 21

Polk, J.K., 265, 285f.

Polygamy, 290f.

Populist party, 464

Porto Rico, 515, 592

Postal savings bank, 529

Preble, Commodore, 196

Press. See Newspapers

Primary, direct, 541

Princeton, battle, 129
  University, 45

Profit sharing, 572

Progressive party, 531f.

Project Gutenberg
History of the United States from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.