History of the United States eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 731 pages of information about History of the United States.

History of the United States eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 731 pages of information about History of the United States.

Louis XVI, 171ff.

Louisiana:  ceded to Spain, 61
  purchase, 190ff.
  admission, 227

Loyalists. See Tories

Lusitania, the, 601ff.

McClellan, General, 362, 365

McCulloch vs. Maryland, 211

McKinley, William, 422, 467ff., 489ff.

Macaulay, Catherine, 132

Madison, James, 158, 197ff.

Maine, 325

Maine, the, 490

Manila Bay, battle, 492

Manors, colonial, 22

Manufactures. See Industry

Marbury vs. Madison, 209

Marietta, 220

Marion, Francis, 117, 120

Marquette, 59

Marshall, John, 208ff.

Martineau, Harriet, 267

Maryland, founded, 6, 49, 109, 239, 242

Massachusetts:  founded, 3ff.
  See also Immigration, Royal province, Industry, Revolutionary War,
     Constitutions, state, Suffrage, Commerce, and Industry

Massachusetts Bay Company, 3
  founded, 3ff.
  See also Immigration, Royal province

Mayflower compact, 4

Mercantile theory, 69

Merchants. See Commerce

Merrimac, the, 353

Meuse-Argonne, battle, 612

Mexico:  and Texas, 278ff.
  later relations, 594f.

Michigan, admission, 273

Midnight appointees, 187

Milan Decree, 194

Militia, Revolutionary War, 122

Minimum wages, 551

Minnesota, admission, 275

Mississippi River, and West, 189f.

Missouri Compromise, 207, 227, 271, 325, 332

Molasses act, 71

Money, paper, 80, 126, 155, 369

Monitor, the, 353

Monroe, James, 204ff., 191

Monroe Doctrine, 205, 512

Montana, admission, 442

Montgomery, General, 114

Morris, Robert, 127

Mothers’ pensions, 551

Mohawks, 57

Muckraking, 536f.

Mugwumps, 420

Municipal ownership, 549

Napoleon I, 190

Napoleon III:  Civil War, 354f. 
  Mexico, 477

National Labor Union, 574

National road, 232

Nationalism, colonial, 56ff.

Natural rights, 95

Navigation acts, 69

Navy:  in Revolution, 188
  War of 1812, 195
  Civil War, 353
  World War, 610.
  See also Sea Power

Nebraska, admission, 441

Negro:  Civil rights, 370ff.
  in agriculture, 393ff.
  status of, 396ff.
  See also Slavery

New England:  colonial times, 6ff., 35, 40ff.
  See also Industry, Suffrage, Commerce, and Wars

New Hampshire:  founded, 4ff.
  See also Immigration, Royal province, Suffrage, and Constitutions,

Project Gutenberg
History of the United States from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.