Goblin Market, The Prince's Progress, and Other Poems eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 186 pages of information about Goblin Market, The Prince's Progress, and Other Poems.

Goblin Market, The Prince's Progress, and Other Poems eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 186 pages of information about Goblin Market, The Prince's Progress, and Other Poems.

I shall not see the shadows,
  I shall not feel the rain; 10
I shall not hear the nightingale
  Sing on, as if in pain: 
And dreaming through the twilight
  That doth not rise nor set,
Haply I may remember,
  And haply may forget.



Ah! changed and cold, how changed and very cold,
  With stiffened smiling lips and cold calm eyes: 
  Changed, yet the same; much knowing, little wise;
This was the promise of the days of old! 
Grown hard and stubborn in the ancient mould,
  Grown rigid in the sham of lifelong lies: 
  We hoped for better things as years would rise,
But it is over as a tale once told. 
All fallen the blossom that no fruitage bore,
  All lost the present and the future time,
All lost, all lost, the lapse that went before: 
So lost till death shut-to the opened door,
  So lost from chime to everlasting chime,
So cold and lost for ever evermore.


Summer is gone with all its roses,
  Its sun and perfumes and sweet flowers,
  Its warm air and refreshing showers: 
    And even Autumn closes.

Yea, Autumn’s chilly self is going,
  And winter comes which is yet colder;
  Each day the hoar-frost waxes bolder,
    And the last buds cease blowing.


Who told my mother of my shame,
  Who told my father of my dear? 
Oh who but Maude, my sister Maude,
  Who lurked to spy and peer.

Cold he lies, as cold as stone,
  With his clotted curls about his face: 
The comeliest corpse in all the world
  And worthy of a queen’s embrace.

You might have spared his soul, sister,
  Have spared my soul, your own soul too:  10
Though I had not been born at all,
  He’d never have looked at you.

My father may sleep in Paradise,
  My mother at Heaven-gate: 
But sister Maude shall get no sleep
  Either early or late.

My father may wear a golden gown,
  My mother a crown may win;
If my dear and I knocked at Heaven-gate
  Perhaps they’d let us in:  20
But sister Maude, oh sister Maude,
  Bide you with death and sin.



O Earth, lie heavily upon her eyes;
  Seal her sweet eyes weary of watching, Earth;
  Lie close around her; leave no room for mirth
With its harsh laughter, nor for sound of sighs. 
She hath no questions, she hath no replies,
  Hushed in and curtained with a blessed dearth
  Of all that irked her from the hour of birth;
With stillness that is almost Paradise. 
Darkness more clear than noon-day holdeth her,
  Silence more musical than any song;
Even her very heart has ceased to stir: 
Until the morning of Eternity
Her rest shall not begin nor end, but be;
  And when she wakes she will not think it long.

Project Gutenberg
Goblin Market, The Prince's Progress, and Other Poems from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.