Joan of Arc eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 305 pages of information about Joan of Arc.

Joan of Arc eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 305 pages of information about Joan of Arc.
  her impetuous onslaught, 109;
  again wounded, 110;
  deposits her armour and arms in the fane of Saint Denis, 113;
  assaults and captures the fortress of Saint Pierre-le-Moutier, 115;
  fails to take La Charite, 117;
  her simplicity and freedom from egotism, ib.;
  captures an English freebooter and his band at Lagny, 120;
  received with joy in Compiegne, 122;
  attacks the Burgundians at Margny, 124;
  driven back from Clairvoix, 124;
  taken prisoner, 125;
  removed to the castle of Beaulieu, in Picardy, 129;
  handed over to Peter Cauchon, 133;
  attempts to escape, 135, 136;
  delivered to the English, 138;
  taken to Rouen, 141;
  barbarously treated, 142;
  demands that her judges should be equally divided in nationality, 153;
  her answers to Cauchon and Beaupere, 154 sq.;
  secretly interrogated in prison, 188;
  continued maltreatment, 196;
  the twelve articles on which her condemnation was founded, 207;
  falls ill in prison, 214;
  again interrogated by Cauchon, 215;
  threatened with torture, 221;
  condemned by the University of Paris, 225;
  her abjuration, 228 sq.;
  discards her male attire, 236;
  roughly treated by her guard, ib.;
  her forgiving nature, 239;
  is apprised of her fate, 243;
  upbraids Cauchon, ib.;
  confesses and receives the sacrament, 244;
  pardons Loiseleur, 246;
  handed over to the secular powers, 248;
  implores pardon for her enemies, ib.;
  her martyrdom, 250;
  the trial for her rehabilitation, 253 sq.

Jocab, Dominic, curate, 261

Jolivet, Abbot of St. Michel’s Mount, Normandy, assessor at the trial of Joan of Arc, 148

Jollois, historian, 297

Jonqualt, Peter, burgher at Orleans, 273

Jonson, Ben, cited for the authorship of the First Part of King Henry
, 304

Jouvenel des Ursins, John, Archbishop of Rheims, appointed commissioner for the rehabilitation of Joan of Arc, 255

Joyart, Mengette, friend of Joan of Arc, 258

Labbe, Abbot of Saint George de Bocherville, assessor at the trial of
Joan of Arc, 148

Laclopsse, Bertrand, thatcher, 261

Ladvenu, Martin, Dominican priest, assessor at the trial of Joan of
Arc, 149;
  cited for her brutal treatment in prison, 238;
  sent to apprise her of her fate, 243;
  receives her confession and administers the sacrament, 244;
  attends her to execution, 245;
  at the trial for her rehabilitation, 280

La Fontaine, biographer of Joan of Arc, 299

Laiguise, John, Bishop of Troyes, offers to capitulate Troyes to King
Charles VII., 88

Lamartine, 299

Landor, Walter Savage, 300

Langart, John de, godfather of Joan of Arc, 258

Laval, Count Guy de, cited, 73;
  accompanies the King to Rheims, 85

Project Gutenberg
Joan of Arc from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.