The Wedge of Gold eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 255 pages of information about The Wedge of Gold.

The Wedge of Gold eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 255 pages of information about The Wedge of Gold.

Sedgwick and Browning were almost inseparable during the day-time.  Sedgwick assured Browning that things were working well, begging him not to disturb either old man Hamlin, or Jenvie, or Stetson, but to “rig some purchase” after he should be gone, to get the remaining shares in ’The Wedge of Gold’ from them, and also to be sure to keep the former owner of that mine in the country, even if he had to raise his salary.

He told him also that he expected next time to be absent four or five months.

One morning about thirty-five days after his arrival in London he received a cable from McGregor announcing the arrival of the “Pallas” at Melbourne and saying he would sail again in four days.  Then Sedgwick made his final preparations for departure.  He sent full plans for a house to his brother, with directions where to build.  He obtained a promise from Mrs. Hazleton that she would not desert Grace during his absence, and from Jack that he would not try any prosecutions to obtain his money from the old men until his return, explaining that he had made his arrangements in America, and was then going to see that African mine and work it if it would do.

His wife knew where he was going; the others except Jack, believed he meant to return to the United States.  He told them he had a little business in Paris and would this time take a French steamer.

Grace worried more over the second parting than she had over the first.  She cried a good deal and was much distressed.  But it was over at last, and Sedgwick was gone.  He did stop over a few hours in Paris, made an arrangement which he desired to with the Bank of France, then speeded on to Marseilles, caught the Imperial steamer, sailed over the same route as before to Port Said, and there embarked on exactly the same steamer that he and Jordan sailed for Port Natal in seven months before.

He was twenty days from London to Port Natal.  Jordan was at D’Umber waiting his coming, and the joy of the meeting was immeasurable.  When they became calm, Jordan said:  “It war a good while, old friend, but I knowed as how y’d cum.”


Dealing in mining shares.

The presence of Sedgwick in London greatly excited and alarmed Jenvie, Hamlin and Stetson.  That mysterious American had returned, and all confidently expected each day to be served with a notice of with a suit or a warrant of arrest.  But finally it leaked out that he had bought a home in Ohio and ordered a house built, sending the plans from London, and as day after day passed and no sign was given, they gained courage, and when Sedgwick once more left England, as they supposed for America, they grew jubilant again.  The firm was now Jenvie, Hamlin & Stetson.  Their business was prospering, and they all realized that the way to make money was to have money to use, and the prestige which the command of large means gives.

Project Gutenberg
The Wedge of Gold from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.