The Land of Mystery eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 220 pages of information about The Land of Mystery.

The Land of Mystery eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 220 pages of information about The Land of Mystery.

Ziffak, however, was hopeful that the anger of his royal brother would cool sufficiently to allow the visitors to remain there two days; but he doubted whether, after all, they would want to stay that long under the strained condition of things.

When the chieftain took his departure, it was without any hint that he wished to have an eye to the young gentleman, but Grimcke and Long suspected it, and their conversation became of the gravest character, for they fully realized their peril.

They regretted the mad infatuation of their young friend with Ariel the princess, and yet they did not blame him, for, as the New Englander remarked, could they have believed there was any hope for them, they would have fallen as irrestrainably in love as he.

But they did not, and, therefore, were in a frame of mind to consider the situation more coolly than the hot-headed lover.

Both agreed that the stroll taken by Ashman was likely to bring about trouble, but they were powerless to do anything.  Ziffak was the only individual who could manage matters in such an emergency.

It will be remembered that night had fully come at the time of the chieftain’s departure.  The interior of the room would have been wrapped in gloom, had not the mother of Ziffak made her appearance and started a fire on the hearth at the further end of the apartment.

The white men watched her closely to see how the Murhapas were accustomed to secure ignition.  But they were disappointed.  She raked aside the ashes until some embers were disclosed beneath, which were readily fanned into a flame.  This caused the apartment to shine with a light like that at mid-day.

She had brought in an earthen vessel of water and began broiling several thin slices of meat on the coals.  They were quickly finished, and she then handed to each of her guests the prepared meat on an earthen plate.  All ate heartily, using their fingers for knives and forks, while the cool water could not have been more refreshing.

Bippo and Pedros had been sleeping and resting so long that they desired to get out doors.  Since they were not likely to be recognized in the night, if they used caution, Grimcke and Long told them to go, but to take care they did not lose themselves.

They had hardly departed when their hostess also left, passing out by the rear way.  She did not speak, but as she was disappearing, gave the two men such a strange look that their suspicions were awakened.  Both at that moment were reflecting upon the ominous news brought them by Ziffak.

By a common impulse, both hastened to the rear to learn all they could about the building in which they might be compelled to fight for their lives.

The result was rather pleasing.  The structure was heavier and more compact than the ordinary buildings, and, in addition to the usual opening in front, had one at the rear, through which the woman undoubtedly passed on her way to her royal son.

Project Gutenberg
The Land of Mystery from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.