The Ladies' Vase eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 106 pages of information about The Ladies' Vase.

The Ladies' Vase eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 106 pages of information about The Ladies' Vase.

“Woman,” to use the words of an accomplished living writer, “has been sent on a higher mission than man; it may be a more arduous, a more difficult one.  It is to manifest and bring to a full development certain attributes which belong, it is true, to our common nature, but which, owing to man’s peculiar relation to the external world, he could not so well bring to perfection.  Man is sent forth to subdue the earth, to obtain command over the elements, to form political communities; and to him, therefore, belong the more hardy and austere virtues; and as they are made subservient to the relief of our physical wants, and as their results are more obvious to the senses, it is not surprising that they have acquired in his eyes an importance which does not in strictness belong to them.  But humility, meekness, gentleness, love, are also important attributes of our nature, and it would present a sad and melancholy aspect without them.  But let us ask, will man, with his present characteristic propensities, thrown much more than woman, by his immediate duties, upon material things; obliged to be conversant with objects of sense, and exposed to the rude conflicts which this leads to; will he bring out these virtues in their full beauty and strength?  We think not—­even with the assistance which religion promises.  These principles, with many others linked with them, have been placed more particularly in the keeping of woman; her social condition being evidently more favorable to their full development.”

Let us ever remember that every aggregate number, however great, is composed of units; and of course, were each American female but faithful to her God, to her family, and to her country, then would a mighty, sanctified influence go forth through the wide extent of our beloved land, diffusing moral health and vigor through every part, and strengthening it for the endurance of greater trials than have as yet menaced its existence.  A spirit of insubordination and rebellion to lawful authority pervades our land; and where are these foes effectually to be checked, if not at their fountain head—­in the nursery?  Oh! if every American mother had but labored faithfully in that sacred inclosure, from the period of our revolutionary struggle, by teaching her children the great lesson of practical obedience to parental authority; then would submission to constituted authority, as well as to the will of God, have been far more prevalent in our land, and the whole aspect of her affairs would have been widely different.

How much more honorable to woman is such a position, than that in which some modern reformers have endeavored to place her, or rather force her.  Instead of seeking hopelessly, and in direct opposition to the delicacy of her sex, to obtain for her political privileges; instead of bringing her forward as the competitor of man in the public arena; we would mark out for her a sphere of duty that is widely different. 

Project Gutenberg
The Ladies' Vase from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.