Scientific American Supplement, No. 443, June 28, 1884 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 97 pages of information about Scientific American Supplement, No. 443, June 28, 1884.

Scientific American Supplement, No. 443, June 28, 1884 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 97 pages of information about Scientific American Supplement, No. 443, June 28, 1884.

I. CHEMISTRY AND METALLURGY.—­Beeswax and its Adulterations.  —­Chemical ingredients.—­Detection of adulterations. 7064

      Phenol in the Stem, Leaves, and Cones of Pinus Sylvestris. 
      —­A discovery bearing on the flora of the Carboniferous
      epoch and the formation of petroleum. 7065

      The School of Physics and Chemistry of Paris.—­With
      engraving of laboratory. 7065

      Some Relations of Heat to Voltaic and Thermo Electric
      Action of Metals in Electrolysis.—­By G. Gore. 7070

II.  Engineering, mechanics, etc.—­Air Refrigerating
      Machine.—­5 figures. 7071

      A Gas Radiator and Heater. 7071

      Concrete Water Pipes. 7071

      The Sellers Standard System of Screw Threads.  Nuts, and
      Bolt Heads.—­A table. 7072

      An English Railway Ferry Boat.—­3 figures. 7072

      The Problem of Flight and the Flying Machine. 7072

III.  Technical.—­Concrete Buildings for Farms.—­How to construct
      them. 7063

      What Causes Paint to Blister and Peel?—­How to prevent it. 7063

      Olive Oil.—­Difficulties encountered in raising an olive
      crop.—­Process of making Oil. 7064

IV.  ElectricityEtc.—­Telephony and Telegraphy on the Same
      Wires Simultaneously.—­4 figures. 7067

The Electric Marigraph.—­An apparatus for measuring the height of the tide.—­With engravings and diagrams showing the Siemens and Halske marigraph and the operation of the same. 7068

      Delune & Co.’s System of Laying Underground Cables.—­2
      figures. 7069

      Electricity Applied to Horseshoeing.—­Quieting an unruly
      animal.—­3 engravings. 7069

      Esteve’s Automatic Pile.—­1 figure. 7070

      Woodward’s Diffusion Motor. 7070

V. Astronomy.—­Lunar Heat.—­Its reflected and obscure
      heat.—­Trifling influence of the moon upon wind and
      weather.—­By Prof.  C.A.  Young. 7073

VI.  Natural history.—­The Long-haired Pointer “Mylord.” 
      —­With engraving. 7073

VII.  Horticulture, etc.—­Apple Tree Borers.—­Protection
      against the same. 7074

Project Gutenberg
Scientific American Supplement, No. 443, June 28, 1884 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.