Retrospection and Introspection eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 71 pages of information about Retrospection and Introspection.

Retrospection and Introspection eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 71 pages of information about Retrospection and Introspection.

Christian Science reveals Mind, the only living and true God, and all that is made by Him, Mind, as harmonious, immortal, and spiritual:  the five material senses define Mind and matter as distinct, but mutually dependent, each on the other, for intelligence and existence.  Science defines man as immortal, as coexistent and coeternal with God, as made in His own image and likeness; material sense defines life as something apart from God, beginning and ending, and man as very far from the divine likeness.  Science reveals Life as a complete sphere, as eternal, self-existent Mind; material sense defines life as a broken sphere, as organized matter, and mind as something separate from God.  Science reveals Spirit as All, averring that there is nothing beside God; material sense says that matter, His antipode, is something besides God.  Material sense adds that the divine Spirit created matter, and that matter and evil are as real as Spirit and good.

Christian Science reveals God and His idea as the All and Only.  It declares that evil is the absence of good; whereas, good is God ever-present, and therefore evil is unreal and good is all that is real.  Christian Science saith to the wave and storm, “Be still,” and there is a great calm.  Material sense asks, in its ignorance of Science, “When will the raging of the material elements cease?” Science saith to all manner of disease, “Know that God is all-power and all-presence, and there is nothing beside Him;” and the sick are healed.  Material sense saith, “Oh, when will my sufferings cease?  Where is God?  Sickness is something besides Him, which He cannot, or does not, heal.”

Christian Science is the only sure basis of harmony.  Material sense contradicts Science, for matter and its so-called organizations take no cognizance of the spiritual facts of the universe, or of the real man and God.  Christian Science declares that there is but one Truth, Life, Love, but one Spirit, Mind, Soul.  Any attempt to divide these arises from the fallibility of sense, from mortal man’s ignorance, from enmity to God and divine Science.

Christian Science declares that sickness is a belief, a latent fear, made manifest on the body in different forms of fear or disease.  This fear is formed unconsciously in the silent thought, as when you awaken from sleep and feel ill, experiencing the effect of a fear whose existence you do not realize; but if you fall asleep, actually conscious of the truth of Christian Science,—­namely, that man’s harmony is no more to be invaded than the rhythm of the universe,—­you cannot awake in fear or suffering of any sort.

Science saith to fear, “You are the cause of all sickness; but you are a self-constituted falsity,—­you are darkness, nothingness.  You are without ‘hope, and without God in the world.’  You do not exist, and have no right to exist, for ‘perfect Love casteth out fear.’”

God is everywhere.  “There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard;” and this voice is Truth that destroys error and Love that casts out fear.

Project Gutenberg
Retrospection and Introspection from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.