The Golden Asse eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 277 pages of information about The Golden Asse.

The Golden Asse eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 277 pages of information about The Golden Asse.
kinds of meates which were never touched to be set on the table, which (although I had eaten sufficiently before, yet to win the further favour of the master of the house) I did greedily devoure and made a cleane riddance of all the delicate meates.  And to prove my nature wholly, they gave met such meates as every Asse doth abhorre:  for they put before mee beefe and vinegar, birds and pepper, fish and verjuice:  in the meane season they that beheld met at the table did nothing but laugh.  Then one of the servants of the house sayd to his master, I pray you sir give him some drinke to his supper:  Marry (quoth hee) I thinke thou saist true, for it may be, that to his meate hee would drinke likewise a cup of wine.  Hoe boy, wash yonder pot, and fill it with wine, which done, carry it to the Asse, and say that I have drunke to him.  Then all the standers by looked on, to see what would come to passe:  but I (as soone as I beheld the cup) staied not long, but gathering my lips together, supped up all the wine at one draught.  The master being right joyfull hereat caused the Baker and Cooke which had bought me, to come before him, to whom he delivered foure times as much for me, as they paid, which done he committed me to one of his rich Libertines, and charged him to looke well to me, and that I should lacke nothing, who obeied his masters commandement in every point:  and to the end he would creepe further into his favour, he taught me a thousand qualities.  First he instructed me to sit at the table upon my taile, and how I should leape and dance, holding up my former feete:  moreover hee taught me how I should answer when any body spake unto me, with nodding my head, which was a strange and marvailous thing, and if I did lacke drinke, I should looke still upon the pot.  All which things I did willingly bring to passe, and obeyed his doctrine:  howbeit, I could have done all these things without his teaching, but I feared greatly lest in shewing my selfe cunning without a master, I should pretend some great and strange wonder, and thereby be throwne out to wild beasts.  But my fame was spred about in every place, and the qualities which I could doe, insomuch that my master was renowned throughout all the Country by reason of mee.  For every man would say:  Behold the Gentleman that hath an Asse, that will eate and drinke with him, that will dance, and understand what is said to him, will shew his fantasie by signes.  But first I will tell you (which I should have done before) who my master was, and of what country.  His name was Thiasus, hee was borne at Corinth, which is a principall towne of Achaia, and he had passed many offices of honor, till hee had taken upon him the degree Quinquenuall, according as his birth and dignity required, who to shew his worthinesse, and to purchase the benevolence of every person, appointed publike joyes and triumphs, to endure the space of three dayes, and to bring his endeavour to passe, he came into Thessaly to buy excellent Beasts, and valiant fighters for the purpose.

Project Gutenberg
The Golden Asse from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.