The Complete Home eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 223 pages of information about The Complete Home.

The Complete Home eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 223 pages of information about The Complete Home.

The maid’s uniform consists of three print gowns, with a gingham apron for morning wear, and for afternoons a white apron with white collar or kerchief and cuffs, cap, or whatever additional touches her mistress may prefer.  The maid usually buys her own gowns, while her mistress provides the accessories, which remain her property when the maid leaves.  The afternoon dress of one week becomes the morning dress of the following.  Black is frequently adopted for afternoon wear, but whatever the dress, insist upon its being washable; woolens absorb odors and perspiration and in time make not only her person but her room offensive.  Issue an edict against frowzy pompadours and “frizzes,” pointing out the necessity for having smooth, neat hair, particularly in the kitchen.  Require her to bathe regularly.  The question of allowing the maid to use the bathroom must be settled individually.  If she is careful about cleaning the tub and leaving things in good order, there seems to be no reason why she, who so needs them, should be deprived of advantages for cleanliness which the rest of us enjoy.  “Standing on one foot in a slippery washbowl,” footbath, or even larger tub, is a poor substitute.  Instruct her about arranging her clothing at night so it will air.  You may even find, if she is a just-over foreigner, that you will have to introduce her to the nightdress—­such things have happened—­explaining to her the undesirability of sleeping in underclothing which she has worn all day.


If a girl is habitually careless about handling the dishes, and breaks, nicks, and cracks result, hold her responsible and deduct from her wages what you consider a fair equivalent for the loss.  Such a course is astonishingly curative sometimes.  The painstaking, careful girl seldom injures anything, and the occasional accident may be overlooked.  Before your new maid arrives write out an itemized list of all crockery, silver, glass, and table linen which are to be in constant use, designating those which are defaced in any way, and go over it with her every week, holding her responsible for any damaged or missing articles.


Remove from the servant’s room all traces of its last occupant, and put it in order for the new maid, with the bed freshly made up with clean blankets, linen, and spread.  The room should be comfortably furnished with a single enameled bed—­the plainer the better and more easily cleaned—­an inexpensive dresser and washstand, the bowl, pitcher, etc., for the latter preferably of the white porcelain enamel ware, a comfortable high-backed rocker, and one common cane-seated chair.  A pair of plain white muslin or scrim curtains draped back with a band of the same, and plain white covers on washstand and dresser impart a certain air of dainty hominess.  A cheap set of hanging shelves for books and clock

Project Gutenberg
The Complete Home from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.