The Killer eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 332 pages of information about The Killer.

The Killer eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 332 pages of information about The Killer.

But this particular pigeon hole proved to be a mine.  In it were several more of the same sort of envelope, all sealed, all addressed to Ramon.  One was labelled as the Last Will, one as Inventory, and one simply as Directions.  This last had a further warning that it was to be opened only by the one addressed.  I determined by hasty examination that the first two were only what they purported to be, and turned hopefully to a perusal of the last.  It was in Spanish, and dealt at great length with the disposition and management of Hooper’s extensive interests.  I append a translation of the portion of this remarkable document, having to do with our case.

“These are my directions,” it began, “as to the matter of which we have many times spoken together.  I have many enemies, and many who think they have cause to wish my death.  They are cowards and soft and I do not think they will ever be sure enough to do me harm.  I do not fear them.  But it may be that one or some of them will find it in their souls to do a deed against me.  In that case I shall be content, for neither do I fear the devil.  But I shall be content only if you follow my orders.  I add here a list of my enemies and of those who have cause to wish me ill.  If I am killed, it is probable that some one of these will have done the deed.  Therefore they must all die.  You must see to it, following them if necessary to the ends of the earth.  You will know how; and what means to employ.  When all these are gone, then go you to the highest rock on the southerly pinnacle of Cochise’s Stronghold.  Ten paces northwest is a gray, flat slab.  If you lift this slab there will be found a copper box.  In the box is the name of a man.  You will go to this man and give him the copper box and in return he will give to you one hundred thousand dollars.  I know well, my Ramon, that your honesty would not permit you to seek the copper box before the last of my enemies is dead.  Nevertheless, that you may admire my recourse, I have made an arrangement.  If the gray slab on Cochise’s Stronghold is ever disturbed before the whole toll is paid, you will die very suddenly and unpleasantly.  I know well that you, my Ramon, would not disturb it; and I hope for your sake that nobody else will do so.  It is not likely.  No one is fool enough to climb Cochise’s Stronghold for pleasure; and this gray slab is one among many.”

At this time I did not read carefully the above cheerful document.  My Spanish was good enough, but took time in the translating.  I dipped into it enough to determine that it was what we wanted, and flipped the pages to come to the list of prospective victims.  It covered two sheets, and a glance down the columns showed me that about every permanent inhabitant of the Soda Springs Valley was included.  I found my own name in quite fresh ink toward the last.

“This is what we want,” I said in satisfaction, rising to my feet.  I sketched in a few words the purport of the document.

Project Gutenberg
The Killer from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.