Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 547 pages of information about Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi.

Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 547 pages of information about Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi.

      I’m done for.  Oh, the confounded thoughts that crowd in on
      me now, exasperating, excruciating!  To have credited that
      accusation!  I had no reason to be angry with you.


  Heia, bonum habe animum.

      Oh well, cheer up.


  Unde habeam? mortuos pluris pretist 630
  quam ego sum.

      Where can I get cheer?  A corpse is worth more than I am.


  Militis parasitus venerat modo aurum petere hinc,
  eum ego meis dictis malis his foribus atque hac platea abegi;
  reppuli, reieci hominem.

(encouragingly) The Captain’s parasite has just been here after the money:  I let him have a volley of abuse and drove him away up the street here.  I fought him off, flung him back.


  Quid mi id prodest? quom ipse veniet,
  quid faciam? nil habeo miser. ille quidem hanc abducet, scio.

      (disconsolate) What’s the good of that to me?  When he
      comes himself, what shall I do?  I haven’t a penny, wretch
      that I am!  Of course he’ll carry her off, I know that.


  Si mihi sit, non pollicear.

      If I had any money myself, I wouldn’t promise it to you.


Scio, dares, novi tuom. sed nisi ames, non habeam tibi fidem tantam; eo quod amas tamen nunc agitas sat tute tuarum rerum; sin liber sies egone ut opem mi ferre posse putem inopem te? non potest.
I know, you’d give it to me:  I know your way.  If you weren’t in love yourself, though, I shouldn’t have such confidence in you.  Being in love, however, you have troubles enough of your own as it is.  But even if you were fancy free, could I think you able to supply me, unsupplied as you are yourself?  Impossible!


  Tace modo:  deus respiciet nos aliquis.

      Oh, do shut up:  some god will look out for us.


  Nugae. vale.

      Rubbish! (despairingly, moving off) Farewell!



      (looking down street) Wait.


  Quid est?

      What’s the matter?


  Tuam copiam eccam Chrysalum video. tace.

      (pointing) Look!  I see your supply station, Chrysalus. 
      Sh—­h! (they withdraw).

IV. 4.

    Scene 4.



  Hunc hominem decet auro expendi,
        huic decet statuam statui ex auro; 640
  nam duplex hodie facinus feci, duplicibus spoliis sum adfectus.
  erum maiorem meum ut ego hodie lusi lepide, ut ludificatust.
  callidum senem callidis dolis
  compuli et perpuli, mi omnia ut crederet.

Project Gutenberg
Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.