World's War Events $v Volume 3 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 421 pages of information about World's War Events $v Volume 3.

World's War Events $v Volume 3 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 421 pages of information about World's War Events $v Volume 3.

[Sidenote:  Germany to pay cost of armies of occupation.]

Germany is required to pay the total cost of the armies of occupation from the date of the armistice as long as they are maintained in German territory, this cost to be a first charge on her resources.  The cost of reparation is the next charge, after making such provisions for payments for imports as the Allies may deem necessary.

[Sidenote:  Funds deposited by Turkey and Austria-Hungary.]

Germany is to deliver to the allied and associated powers all sums deposited in Germany by Turkey and Austria-Hungary in connection with the financial support extended by her to them during the war, and to transfer to the Allies all claims against Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, or Turkey in connection with agreements made during the war.  Germany confirms the renunciation of the Treaties of Bucharest and Brest-Litovsk.

[Sidenote:  Public utilities in ceded territories.]

[Sidenote:  Brazilian coffee to be paid for.]

On the request of the Reparations Commission, Germany will expropriate any rights or interests of her nationals in public utilities in ceded territories or those administered by mandatories, and in Turkey, China, Russia, Austria-Hungary, and Bulgaria, and transfer them to the Reparations Commission, which will credit her with their value.  Germany guarantees to repay to Brazil the fund arising from the sale of Sao Paulo coffee which she refused to allow Brazil to withdraw from Germany.



[Sidenote:  Convention on opium to be brought into force.]

The contracting powers agree, whether or not they have signed and ratified the opium convention of January 23, 1912, or signed the special protocol opened at The Hague in accordance with resolutions adopted by the third opium conference in 1914, to bring the said convention into force by enacting within twelve months of the peace the necessary legislation.


[Sidenote:  To continue their work.]

The allied and associated powers agree the properties of religious missions in territories belonging or ceded to them shall continue in their work under the control of the powers, Germany renouncing all claims in their behalf.



[Sidenote:  German tariff to be regulated for five years.]

For a period of six months Germany shall impose no tariff duties higher than the lowest in force in 1914, and for certain agricultural products, wines, vegetable oils, artificial silk, and washed or scoured wool this restriction obtains for two and a half years more.  For five years, unless further extended by the League of Nations, Germany must give most favored nation treatment to the allied and associated powers.  She shall impose no customs tariff for five years on goods originating in Alsace-Lorraine, and for three years on goods originating in former German territory ceded to Poland with the right of observation of a similar exception for Luxemburg.

Project Gutenberg
World's War Events $v Volume 3 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.