World's War Events $v Volume 3 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 421 pages of information about World's War Events $v Volume 3.

World's War Events $v Volume 3 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 421 pages of information about World's War Events $v Volume 3.

The principal allied and associated powers will draw up regulations assuring East Prussia full and equitable access to and use of the Vistula.  A subsequent convention, of which the terms will be fixed by the principal allied and associated powers, will be entered into between Poland, Germany and Danzig, to assure suitable railroad communication across German territory on the right bank of the Vistula between Poland and Danzig, while Poland shall grant free passage from East Prussia to Germany.

The northeastern corner of East Prussia about Memel is to be ceded by Germany to the associated powers, the former agreeing to accept the settlement made, especially as regards the nationality of the inhabitants.


[Sidenote:  Danzig to be under League of Nations.]

Danzig and the district immediately about it is to be constituted into the “free city of Danzig” under the guarantee of the League of Nations.  A high commissioner appointed by the League and President of Danzig shall draw up a constitution in agreement with the duly appointed representatives of the city, and shall deal in the first instance with all differences arising between the city and Poland.  The actual boundaries of the city shall be delimited by a commission appointed within six months from the peace and to include three representatives chosen by the allied and associated powers, and one each by Germany and Poland.

[Sidenote:  Convention between Danzig and Poland.]

A convention, the terms of which shall be fixed by the principal allied and associated powers, shall be concluded between Poland and Danzig, which shall include Danzig within the Polish customs frontiers, though a free area in the port; insure to Poland the free use of all the city’s waterways, docks and other port facilities, the control and administration of the Vistula and the whole through railway system within the city, and postal, telegraphic and telephonic communication between Poland and Danzig; provide against discrimination against Poles within the city, and place its foreign relations and the diplomatic protection of its citizens abroad in charge of Poland.


[Sidenote:  Frontier to be fixed by self-determination.]

The frontier between Germany and Denmark will be fixed by the self-determination of the population.  Ten days from the peace German troops and authorities shall evacuate the region north of the line running from the mouth of the Schlei, south of Kappel, Schleswig, and Friedrichstadt along the Eider to the North Sea south of Tonning; the Workmen’s and Soldiers’ Councils shall be dissolved, and the territory administered by an international commission of five, of whom Norway and Sweden shall be invited to name two.

[Sidenote:  Voting to be in zones.]

Project Gutenberg
World's War Events $v Volume 3 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.