The Witness eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 382 pages of information about The Witness.

The Witness eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 382 pages of information about The Witness.
any pure soul, and turn all the sweetness to bitterness, the beauty to a peril!  He hinted at things she did not know nor dream of; dreadful things from which her life had always been safely guarded; and how he could not, for the sake of those crushed souls, accept a position that would close his mouth and tie his hands forever from doing anything about it.  He told her he could not accept honor that was founded upon dishonor; that he had taken Christ for his pattern and guide; that he could do nothing that would drive God’s presence from him.

She had been sitting with her face averted, her clasped hands dropped straight down at the side of her lap, the fingers interlaced and tense in excitement; her bosom heaving with agitation under the Paris gown; but when he reached this point in his argument she sprang to her feet and away from him, standing with her shoulders drawn back, her head thrown up, her chin out, her whole lithe body stiff and imperious.

“It is time this stopped!” she said, and her voice was cold like a frozen dagger and went straight through his heart.  “It is time you put away forever this ridiculous idea of a Presence, and of setting yourself up to be better than any one else!  This isn’t religion, it is fanaticism!  And it has got to stop now and forever, or I will have nothing whatever to do with you.  Either you give up this idea of a ghost following you around all the time and accept Mr. Ramsey Thomas’s offer this afternoon, or you and I part!  You can choose, now, between me and your Presence!”


Gila had never been more beautiful than when she stood and uttered her terrible ultimatum to Courtland.  Her little imperial head sat on her lovely shoulders royally, her attitude was perfect grace.  Her spirited face with its dark eyes and lashes, its setting of blue-black hair, was fascinating in its exquisite modeling.  She looked like a proud young cameo standing for her portrait.  But her words shot through Courtland’s heart like icy swords dividing his soul from his body.

He rose to his feet, gone suddenly white and stern, and stood looking at her as if his own heart had turned traitor and slain him.  A moment they stood in battle array, two forces representing the two great powers of the universe.  Looking straight into each other’s souls they stood, plumbing the depths, seeing as in a revelation what each really was!

To Courtland it was suddenly made plain that this girl had no part or lot in the things that had become vital to him.  She had not seen, she would not see!  Her love was not great enough to carry her over the bridge that separated them, and back over which he might not go after her!

Project Gutenberg
The Witness from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.