The Ancient Irish Epic Tale Táin Bó Cúalnge eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 487 pages of information about The Ancient Irish Epic Tale Táin Bó Cúalnge.

The Ancient Irish Epic Tale Táin Bó Cúalnge eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 487 pages of information about The Ancient Irish Epic Tale Táin Bó Cúalnge.

The Tain has been analysed by J.T.  Gilbert, in the facsimile edition of LU., pages xvi-xviii, based on O’Curry’s unpublished account written about 1853; by Eugene O’Curry in his “Lectures on the Manuscript Materials of Ancient Irish History,” pages 28-40, Dublin, 1861; by John Rhys in his “Lectures on the Origin and Growth of Religion as illustrated by Celtic Heathendom,” page 136, the Hibbert Lectures, London, 1898; by J.A.  MacCulloch in “The Religion of the Ancient Celts,” pages 127 and 141, London, 1911; in the Celtic Magazine, vol. xiii, pages 427-430, Inverness, 1888; by Don.  Mackinnon in the Celtic Review, vol. iv, page 92, Edinburgh, 1907-8; by H. d’Arbois de Jubainville, in Bibliotheque de l’ecole des chartes, tome xl, pages 148-150, Paris, 1879; by Bryan O’Looney, in the Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, Second Series, vol.  I, pages 242-248, Dublin, 1879; by H. Lichtenberger, “Le Poeme et la Legende des Nibelungen,” pages 432-434, Paris, 1891; by Eleanor Hull, in “A Text Book of Irish Literature,” Pt.  I, p. 24, Dublin and London, 1906; by Victor Tourneur, “La Formation du Tain Bo Cualnge,” in Melanges Godefroid Kurth, II, 413-424, Liege, 1908; by E.C.  Quiggin, in the Encyclopedia Britannica, 11th edition, page 626.

The text of the Tain is found in whole or in part in the facsimile reprints published by the Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, 1870 and following; viz.:  the Book of Leinster, folios 53b-104b; the Book of the Dun Cow, folios 55a-82b, and the Yellow Book of Lecan, folios 17a.-53a; in “Die Altirische Heldensage, Tain Bo Cualnge, herausgegeben von Ernst Windisch, Irische Texte, Extraband, Leipzig, 1905”; from LU. and YBL., by John Strachan and J.G.  O’Keeffe, as a supplement to Eriu, vol. i, Dublin, 1904 and fol.; our references to LU. and YBL. are from this edition as far as it appeared; from that point, the references to YBL. are to the pages of the facsimile edition; the LU. text of several passages also is given by John Strachan in his “Stories from the Tain,” which first appeared in Irisleabhar na Gaedhilge ("The Gaelic Journal"), Dublin; reprinted, London and Dublin, 1908; Max Nettlau, “The Fer Diad Episode of the Tain Bo Cuailnge,” Revue Celtique, tome x, pages 330-346, tome xi, pages 23-32, 318-343; “The Fragment of the Tain Bo Cuailnge in MS. Egerton 93,” Revue Celtique, tome xiv, pages 254-266, tome xv, pages 62-78, 198-208; R. Thurneysen, “Tain Bo Cuailghni nach H. 2. 17,” Zeitschrift fuer Celtische Philologie, Bd. viii, S. 525-554; E. Windisch, “Tain Bo Cuailnge nach der Handschrift Egerton 1782,” Zeitschrift fuer Celtische Philologie, Bd. ix, S. 121-158.  The text of “The Fight at the Ford,” from the Murphy MS. 103 (written about 1760), is printed in Irisleabhar Muighe Nuadhad, Dublin, 1911, pp. 84-90.

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The Ancient Irish Epic Tale Táin Bó Cúalnge from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.