The Number Concept eBook

Levi L. Conant
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 185 pages of information about The Number Concept.

The Number Concept eBook

Levi L. Conant
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 185 pages of information about The Number Concept.
Tobi, 156. 
Tonga, 33, 85. 
Torres, 17, 96, 104, 105. 
Totonaco, 205. 
Towka, 78. 
Triton’s Bay, 152. 
Tschukshi, 156, 191. 
Tsimshian, 86, 164, 198. 
Tweed River, 26.

Uainuma, 122. 
Udi, 188. 
Uea, 67, 153. 
United States, 29, 83, 195. 
Upper Yarra, 110. 
Ureparapara, 153.

Vaturana, 96. 
Vedda, 28, 31, 76, 174. 
Vei, 16, 147, 185. 
Victoria, 156. 
Vilelo, 60.

Waiclatpu, 164. 
Wales (Welsh), 35, 46, 141, 144, 177, 180. 
Wallachia, 121. 
Warrego, 107, 109. 
Warrior Island, 107. 
Wasp, 5. 
Watchandie, 29, 77. 
Watji, 120. 
Weedookarry, 24. 
Wimmera, 107. 
Winnebago, 85. 
Wiraduroi, 27, 108. 
Wirri-Wirri, 108. 
Wokke, 112. 
Worcester, Mass., Schools of, 11.

Yahua, 168. 
Yaruro, 139. 
Yengen, 154. 
Yit-tha, 109. 
Yoruba, 33, 47, 64, 70, 185. 
Yucatan, 195, 201. 
Yuckaburra, 26.

Zamuco, 55, 60, 138, 139. 
Zapara, 111. 
Zulu, 16, 62. 
Zuni, 13, 14, 48, 49, 53, 54, 60, 83, 137.


[1] Brinton, D.G., Essays of an Americanist, p. 406; and American Race, p. 359.

[2] This information I received from Dr. Brinton by letter.

[3] Tylor, Primitive Culture, Vol.  I. p. 240.

[4] Nature, Vol.  XXXIII. p. 45.

[5] Spix and Martius, Travels in Brazil, Tr. from German by H.E.  Lloyd, Vol.  II. p. 255.

[6] De Flacourt, Histoire de le grande Isle de Madagascar, ch. xxviii.  Quoted by Peacock, Encyc.  Met., Vol.  I. p. 393.

[7] Bellamy, Elizabeth W., Atlantic Monthly, March, 1893, p. 317.

[8] Grundriss der Sprachwissenschaft, Bd.  III.  Abt. i., p. 94.

[9] Pruner-Bey, Bulletin de la Societe d’Anthr. de Paris, 1861, p. 462.

[10] “Manual Concepts,” Am.  Anthropologist, 1892, p. 292.

[11] Tylor, Primitive Culture, Vol.  I. p. 245.

[12] Op. cit., loc. cit.

[13] “Aboriginal Inhabitants of Andaman Islands,” Journ.  Anth.  Inst., 1882, p. 100.

[14] Morice, A., Revue d’Anthropologie, 1878, p. 634.

[15] Macdonald, J., “Manners, Customs, etc., of South African Tribes,” Journ.  Anthr.  Inst., 1889, p. 290.  About a dozen tribes are enumerated by Mr. Macdonald:  Pondos, Tembucs, Bacas, Tolas, etc.

[16] Codrington, R.H., Melanesians, their Anthropology and Folk-Lore, p. 353.

[17] E.g. the Zunis.  See Cushing’s paper quoted above.

[18] Haddon, A.C., “Ethnography Western Tribes Torres Strait,” Journ.  Anth.  Inst., 1889, p. 305.  For a similar method, see Life in the Southern Isles, by W.W.  Gill.

[19] Tylor, Primitive Culture, Vol.  I. p. 246.

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The Number Concept from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.