The Closet of Sir Kenelm Digby Knight Opened eBook

Kenelm Digby
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 332 pages of information about The Closet of Sir Kenelm Digby Knight Opened.

The Closet of Sir Kenelm Digby Knight Opened eBook

Kenelm Digby
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 332 pages of information about The Closet of Sir Kenelm Digby Knight Opened.

Take the Honey-combs, that the Honey is run out from them, and lay them in water over night; next day strain them, and put the Liquor a boiling; Then take the whites of two or three Eggs, and clarifie the Liquor.  When you have so done, skim it clean.  Then take a handful of Peny-royal; four handfuls of Angelica; a handful of Rosemary; a handful of Borrage; a handful of Maidenhair, a handful of Harts-tongue; of Liverwort, of Water-cresses, of Scurvy-grass, ana, a handful; of the Roots of Marshmallows, Parsley, Fennel, ana, one Ounce.  Let all these boil together in the Liquor, the space of a quarter of an hour.  Then strain the Liquor from them, and let it cool, till it be Blood-warm.  Put in so much honey, until an Egge swim on it; and when your honey is melted, then put it into the Barrel.  When it is almost cold, put a little Ale barm to it; And when it hath done working, put into your barrel a bag of Spice of Nutmegs, Ginger, Cloves and Mace, and grains good store; and if you will, put into a Lawn-bag two grains of Ambergreece and two grains of Musk, and fasten it in the mouth of your barrel, and so let it hang in the Liquor.


Take one part of honey, to eight parts of Rain or River-water; let it boil gently together, in a fit vessel, till a third part be wasted, skiming it very well.  The sign of being boiled enough is, when a New-laid-egg swims upon it.  Cleanse it afterwards by letting it run through a clean Linnen-cloth, and put it into a woodden Runlet, where there hath been wine in, and hang in it a bag with Mustard-seeds by the bung, that so you may take it out, when you please.  This being done, put your Runlet into the hot Sun, especially during the Dog-days, (which is the onely time to prepare it) and your Metheglin will boil like Must; after which boiling take out your Mustard-seeds, and put your vessel well stopped into a Cellar.  If you will have it the taste of wine, put to thirty measures of Hydromel, one measure of the juyce of hops, and it will begin to boil without any heat.  Then fill up your vessel, and presently after this ebullition you will have a very strong Metheglin.


Take Rosemary, Thyme, Sweet-bryar, Peny-royal, Bays, Water-cresses, Agrimony, Marshmallow leaves, Liver-wort, Maiden-hair, Betony, Eye-bright, Scabious, the bark of the Ash-tree, Eringo-roots, Green-wild-Angelica, Ribwort, Sanicle, Roman-worm-wood, Tamarisk, Mother-thyme, Sassafras, Philipendula, of each of these herbs a like proportion; or of as many of them as you please to put in.  But you must put in all but four handfuls of herbs, which you must steep one night, and one day, in a little bowl of water, being close covered; the next day take another quantity of fresh water, and boil the same herbs in it, till the colour be very

Project Gutenberg
The Closet of Sir Kenelm Digby Knight Opened from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.