The Closet of Sir Kenelm Digby Knight Opened eBook

Kenelm Digby
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 332 pages of information about The Closet of Sir Kenelm Digby Knight Opened.

The Closet of Sir Kenelm Digby Knight Opened eBook

Kenelm Digby
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 332 pages of information about The Closet of Sir Kenelm Digby Knight Opened.


Take a cold Capon, or half-rosted, which is much better; then take Suet, shred very small the meat and Suet together; then half as much grated bread, two spoonfuls of Flower, Nutmegs, Clove and Mace; Sugar as much as you please; half a Pound of Currants; the yolks of two Eggs, and the white of one; and as much Cream, as will make it up in a stiff Paste.  Then make it up in fashion of a pear, a stick of Cinnamon for the stalk, and the head a Clove.


Take three Marrow-bones, slice them; water the Marrow over night, to take away the blood.  Then take the smallest of the Marrow, and put it into the Puddings, with a Peny-loaf grated, a spoonful of Flower, and Spice as before; a quarter of a pound of Currants; Sugar as much as you please, four Eggs, two of the whites taken away.  Cream as much as will make it as stiff as other Puddings.  Stuff the Call of Veal cut into the bigness of little Hogs-puddings; you must sow them all to one end; and so fill them; then sow up the other end, and when they are boiled, take hold of the thred, and they will all come out.  You must boil them in half white Wine and half Water; with one large Mace, a few Currants, a spoonful of the Pudding stuff, the Marrow in whole lumps; all this first boiled up, then put in your Puddings, and when half boiled, put in your Marrow.  One hour will boil them.  Serve them up with Sippets, and no more Liquor, then will serve them up; you must put Salt in all the Puddings.


Take two Ounces of Barley pick’d and washed; boil it in Milk, till it is tender; then let your Milk run from it; Then take half a Pint of Cream, and six spoonfuls of the boiled Barley; eight spoonfuls of grated bread, four Eggs, two whites taken away.  Spice as you please, and Sugar and Salt as you think fit, one Marrow-bone, put in the lumps as whole as you can; Then make Puff-paste, and rowl a thin sheet of it, and lay it in a dish.  Then take a piece of Green-citron sliced thin, lay it all over the dish.  Then take Cream, grated bread, your Spice, Sugar, Eggs and Salt; beat all these very well together half a quarter of an hour, pour it on your dish where Citron is, then cover it over with puff-paste, and let it bake in a quick oven three quarters of an hour.  Scrape Sugar on it, and serve it up.


Take Pippins and pare, and cut off the tops of them pretty deep.  Then take out as much of your Apple as you can take without breaking your Apple, then fill your Apple with pudding-stuff, made with Cream, a little Sack, Marrow, Grated bread, Eggs, Sugar, Spice and Salt; Make it pretty stiff.  Put it into the Pippins; lay the tops of the Pippins upon the Pippins again, stick it through with a stick of Cinnamon.  Set as many upright in your dish as you can:  and so fill it up with Cream, and sweeten it with Sugar and Mace; and stew them between two dishes.

Project Gutenberg
The Closet of Sir Kenelm Digby Knight Opened from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.