The Life-Story of Insects eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 102 pages of information about The Life-Story of Insects.

The Life-Story of Insects eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 102 pages of information about The Life-Story of Insects.

Lipeurus, 108

Longhorn Beetles, 55

Looper caterpillars, 59, 61

Lowne, B.T., 42

Lubbock, J., 6, 32

Lymantriidae, 90

Lyonet, P., 38

Machilis, 11

Maggot, 44, 67, 71-6, 109, 114

Magpie Moth, 60, 82, 97-8

Mallophaga, 108

Mandibles, 4, 17, 26, 58, 67, 86

Mangel-fly, 73

Marlatt, C.L., 93

Marshall, G.A.K., 104

Maxillae, 2, 17, 37, 42

May-flies, 31-4, 107, 110, 117, 120

Meloidae, 56

Mesozoic insects, 107

Metabola, 35

Metamorphosis (in general), 6, 109;
  (degrees of in insects) 8, 35, 109, 117-19

Miall, L.C., 6, 28, 33, 43, 77, 78, 87, 97, 113

Mosquito. See Culex, Gnats

Moths, 1, 58-62, 84, 95-100, 117

Moult, 10, 32, 36, 41

Musca domestica, 71

Muscidae, 44

Muscles, 47

Nervous system, 44-5

Neuroptera, 57, 80, 112

Newport, G., 41, 44

Noctuidae, 60, 98

Nymph, 15, 28, 33

Oak-apples, 94

Obtect pupa, 81

Odonata, 24.
  See also Dragon-flies

Oestrus ovis, 91

Oil-beetles, 56, 112

Orgyia antiqua, 96-7

Orthoptera, 17, 35, 110

Owl Moths, 60, 98

Packard, A.S., 56, 118

Paedogenesis. See Larval reproduction

Painted Lady Butterfly, 96

Palaeozoic insects, 107

Palmen, J.A., 25

Parasitic insects, 73-4, 108, 116

Parental care, 64-6

Parthenogenesis, 18

Partial transformation, 35, 37

Perla, 24

Permian insects, 107

Phagocytes, 48

Phyllodecta, 53, 113

Phyllotreta, 53

Pieris brassicae, 39, 41, 85, 100

Pieris napi and var. bryoniae, 102-3

Platygaster, 66

Plecoptera, 24.
  See also Stone-flies

Pompilidae, 66-7

Poulton, E.B., 61, 82, 109

Precis, 104

Proctotrypidae, 66

Pro-legs, 4, 58-9, 84, 114

Pro-nymph, 118, 119

Protective coloration, 60-1

Psylliodes chrysocephala, 54

Ptinidae, 54

Pupa, 4, 37, 40, 79-88, 114, 117

Puparium, 88

Pupipara, 91

Pyrameis cardui, 96

Rat-tailed maggot, 76

Reaumur, R.A.F. de, 8, 28, 33, 41

Reproductive larvae, 90;
  pupae, 91

Reproductive organs, 45

Project Gutenberg
The Life-Story of Insects from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.