The Grey Wig: Stories and Novelettes eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 498 pages of information about The Grey Wig.

The Grey Wig: Stories and Novelettes eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 498 pages of information about The Grey Wig.
picture of the manifold activities of the man in the East-end.  He entered one way or another into the lives of a good many people; is it true that he nowhere made enemies?  With the best intentions a man may wound or offend; his interference may be resented; he may even excite jealousy.  A young man like the late Mr. Constant could not have had as much practical sagacity as he had goodness.  Whose corns did he tread on?  The more we know of the last few months of his life the more we shall know of the manner of his death.  Thanking you by anticipation for the insertion of this letter in your valuable columns, I am, sir, yours truly,

  “George Grodman.

  “46 Glover Street, Bow.

“P.  S.—­Since writing the above lines, I have, by the kindness of Miss Brent, been placed in possession of a most valuable letter, probably the last letter written by the unhappy gentleman.  It is dated Monday, 3 December, the very eve of the murder, and was addressed to her at Florence, and has now, after some delay, followed her back to London where the sad news unexpectedly brought her.  It is a letter couched, on the whole, in the most hopeful spirit, and speaks in detail of his schemes.  Of course there are things in it not meant for the ears of the public, but there can be no harm in transcribing an important passage:—­
“’You seem to have imbibed the idea that the East-end is a kind of Golgotha, and this despite that the books out of which you probably got it are carefully labelled “Fiction.”  Lamb says somewhere that we think of the “Dark Ages” as literally without sunlight, and so I fancy people like you, dear, think of the “East-end” as a mixture of mire, misery, and murder.  How’s that for alliteration?  Why, within five minutes’ walk of me there are the loveliest houses, with gardens back and front, inhabited by very fine people and furniture.  Many of my university friends’ mouths would water if they knew the income of some of the shopkeepers in the High Road.
“’The rich people about here may not be so fashionable as those in Kensington and Bayswater, but they are every bit as stupid and materialistic.  I don’t deny, Lucy, I do have my black moments, and I do sometimes pine to get away from all this to the lands of sun and lotus-eating.  But, on the whole, I am too busy even to dream of dreaming.  My real black moments are when I doubt if I am really doing any good.  But yet on the whole my conscience or my self-conceit tells me that I am.  If one cannot do much with the mass, there is at least the consolation of doing good to the individual.  And, after all, is it not enough to have been an influence for good over one or two human souls?  There are quite fine characters hereabout—­especially in the women—­natures capable not only of self-sacrifice, but of delicacy of sentiment.  To have learnt to know of such, to have been of service to one or two of such—­is
Project Gutenberg
The Grey Wig: Stories and Novelettes from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.