Children's Classics in Dramatic Form eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 56 pages of information about Children's Classics in Dramatic Form.

Children's Classics in Dramatic Form eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 56 pages of information about Children's Classics in Dramatic Form.

[The Camel nods and disappears among the cane.]

Now I do not wish to wait for him.  I am in a hurry to get home, I am.  So I’ll sing a little song I know.  The farmer then will come and drive the camel out.

[He goes.  Soon he is heard singing in the distance.  Enter the FARMER and the BOYS with clubs.]

FARMER.  I see no jackal here!

A BOY.  I am sure I heard him singing!

ANOTHER BOY.  I heard him, too!

FARMER.  We must look for him and drive him out.

[The CAMEL enters, eating cane.]

FIRST BOY.  Look, look!  A camel!

SECOND BOY.  Look, father!  A camel!

FARMER (to Camel).  So it was you who was singing, was it?  Drive him out, boys!  Quick!  Beat him with your clubs!

[They rush upon the Camel and beat him as he runs from the field.]


TIME:  a little later.
PLACE:  the west bank of the river.

* * * * *


* * * * *

[The CAMEL lies on the bank half dead from his beating.  Enter the JACKAL.]

JACKAL.  Are you ready to go now, friend?

CAMEL.  Don’t say “friend” to me!

JACKAL.  Why do you speak so strangely?

CAMEL.  Why did you sing so strangely?


JACKAL.  Oh, I don’t know why!  I always sing after dinner.

CAMEL.  Ah!  Well, let us go.

[He kneels.  The Jackal gets on his back.  The Camel rises and enters the river.  He swims to the middle of the river and stops.]

JACKAL.  Why do you stop?

CAMEL.  I have such a strange, strange feeling.

JACKAL.  Well, swim on.  You need not stop!

CAMEL.  I feel as if I must roll over.

JACKAL.  Roll over!  If you do, I shall be drowned!

CAMEL.  Exactly.  But still I have that feeling.

JACKAL.  Now that is nonsense!  Why should you roll over?

CAMEL.  Oh, I don’t know why!  I always roll over after dinner.

[He rolls over.]


TIME:  a long time ago.
PLACE:  the King’s palace.

* * * * *


* * * * *

[The KING sits on a cushion in the great hall.  The PRINCESS sits on a cushion by him.  In front of them sits the FIRST STORY-TELLER. The LORDS and LADIES sit near by.]

STORY-TELLER.  “Then the prince married the princess and they were happy forever and ever.”

Project Gutenberg
Children's Classics in Dramatic Form from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.