The English Gipsies and Their Language eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 247 pages of information about The English Gipsies and Their Language.

The English Gipsies and Their Language eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 247 pages of information about The English Gipsies and Their Language.


I jinned a tano mush yeckorus that nashered sar his wongur ’dree the toss-ring.  Then he jalled kerri to his dadas’ kanyas and lelled pange bar avree.  Paul’ a bitti chairus he dicked his dadas an’ pookered lester he’d lelled pange bar avree his gunnas.  But yuv’s dadas penned, “Jal an, kair it ajaw and win some wongur againus!” So he jalled apopli to the toss-ring an’ lelled sar his wongur pauli, an’ pange bar ferridearer.  So he jalled ajaw kerri to the tan, an’ dicked his dadas beshtin’ alay by the rikk o’ the tan, and his dadas penned, “Sa did you keravit, my chavo?” “Kushto, dadas.  I lelled sar my wongur pauli; and here’s tute’s wongur acai, an’ a bar for tute an’ shtar bar for mi-kokero.”

An’ that’s tacho as ever you tool that pen in tute’s waster—­an’ dovo mush was poor Charley Lee, that’s mullo kenna.


I knew a little fellow once that lost all his money in the toss-ring (i.e., at pitch-and-toss).  Then he went home to his father’s sacks and took five pounds out.  After a little while he saw his father and told him he’d taken five pounds from his bags.  But his father said, “Go on, spend it and win some more money!” So he went again to the toss-ring and got all his money back, and five pounds more.  And going home, he saw his father sitting by the side of the tent, and his father said, “How did you succeed (i.e., do it), my son?” “Very well, father.  I got all my money back; and here’s your money now, and a pound for you and four pounds for myself.”

And that’s true as ever you hold that pen in your hand—­and that man was poor Charley Lee, that’s dead now.


A petulamengro hatched yeck divvus at a givescro ker, where the rani del him mass an’ tood.  While he was hawin’ he dicked a kekavi sar chicklo an’ bongo, pashall a boro hev adree, an’ he putchered, “Del it a mandy an’ I’ll lel it avree for chichi, ‘cause you’ve been so kushto an’ kammoben to mandy.”  So she del it a lester, an’ he jalled avree for trin cooricus, an’ he keravit apre, an’ kaired it pauno sar rupp.  Adovo he welled akovo drum pauli, an’ jessed to the same ker, an’ penned, “Dick acai at covi kushti kekavi!  I del shove trin mushis for it, an’ tu shall lel it for the same wongur, ’cause you’ve been so kushto a mandy.”

Dovo mush was like boot ’dusta mushis—­wery cammoben to his kokero.


A tinker stopped one day at a farmer’s house, where the lady gave him meat and milk.  While he was eating he saw a kettle all rusty and bent, with a great hole in it, and he asked, “Give it to me and I will take it away for nothing, because you have been so kind and obliging to me.”  So she gave it to him, and he went away for three weeks, and he repaired it (the kettle), and made it as bright (white) as silver.  Then he went that road again, to the same house, and said, “Look here at this fine kettle!  I gave six shillings for it, and you shall have it for the same money, because you have been so good to me.”

Project Gutenberg
The English Gipsies and Their Language from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.