The English Gipsies and Their Language eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 247 pages of information about The English Gipsies and Their Language.

The English Gipsies and Their Language eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 247 pages of information about The English Gipsies and Their Language.

Half-breeds call themselves Gorgio among Gorgios, and Gipsy among Gipsies.


Once ’pre a chairus (or chyrus) a Gorgio penned to a Rommany chal, “Why does tute always jal about the tem ajaw?  There’s no kushtoben in what don’t hatch acai.”  Penned the Rommany chal, “Sikker mandy tute’s wongur!” And yuv sikkered him a cutter (cotter?), a bar, a pash-bar, a pash-cutter, a pange-cullo (caulor?) bittus, a pash-krooner (korauna), a dui-cullos bittus, a trin-mushi, a shuckori, a stor’oras, a trin’oras, a dui’oras, a haura, a poshero, a lulli, a pash-lulli.  Penned the Rommany chal, “Acovo’s sar wafri wongur.”  “Kek,” penned the Gorgio; “se sar kushto an’ kirus.  Chiv it adree tute’s wast and shoon it ringus.”  “Avo,” penned the Rommany chal.  “Tute pookered mandy that only wafri covvas keep jallin’, te ’covo wongur has jalled sar ’pre the ’tem adusta timei (or timey).”

Sar mushis aren’t all sim ta rukers (rukkers.) Some must pirraben, and can’t besh’t a lay.


Once upon a time a Gorgio said to a Gipsy, “Why do you always go about the country so?  There is ‘no good’ in what does not rest (literally, stop here).”  Said the Gipsy, “Show me your money!” And he showed him a guinea, a sovereign, a half-sovereign, a half-guinea, a five-shilling piece, a half-crown, a two-shilling piece, a shilling, a sixpence, a fourpenny piece, a threepence, a twopence, a penny, a halfpenny, a farthing, a half-farthing.  Said the Gipsy, “This is all bad money.”  “No,” said the other man; “it is all good and sound.  Toss it in your hand and hear it ring!” “Yes,” replied the Gipsy.  “You told me that only bad things keep going, and this money has gone all over the country many a time.”

All men are not like trees.  Some must travel, and cannot keep still.


Once apre a chairus a Rommany chal chored a rani chillico (or chiriclo), and then jalled atut a prastramengro ’pre the drum.  “Where did tute chore adovo rani?” putchered the prastramengro.  “It’s kek rani; it’s a pauno rani that I kinned ’dree the gav to del tute.”  “Tacho,” penned the prastramengro, “it’s the kushtiest pauno rani mandy ever dickdus.  Ki did tute kin it?”

Avali, many’s the chairus mandy’s tippered a trinmushi to a prastramengro ta mukk mandy hatch my tan with the chavvis.


Once on a time a Gipsy stole a turkey, and then met a policeman on the road.  “Where did you steal that turkey?” asked the policeman.  “It’s no turkey; it’s a goose that I bought in the town to give you.”  “Fact,” said the policeman, “it is the finest goose I ever saw.  Where did you buy it?”

Project Gutenberg
The English Gipsies and Their Language from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.