The Homeric Hymns eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 142 pages of information about The Homeric Hymns.

The Homeric Hymns eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 142 pages of information about The Homeric Hymns.


Concerning Earth, the mother of all, shall I sing, firm Earth, eldest of Gods, that nourishes all things in the world; all things that fare on the sacred land, all things in the sea, all flying things, all are fed out of her store.  Through thee, revered Goddess, are men happy in their children and fortunate in their harvest.  Thine it is to give or to take life from mortal men.  Happy is he whom thou honourest with favouring heart; to him all good things are present innumerable:  his fertile field is laden, his meadows are rich in cattle, his house filled with all good things.  Such men rule righteously in cities of fair women, great wealth and riches are theirs, their children grow glorious in fresh delights:  their maidens joyfully dance and sport through the soft meadow flowers in floral revelry.  Such are those that thou honourest, holy Goddess, kindly spirit.  Hail, Mother of the Gods, thou wife of starry Ouranos, and freely in return for my ode give me sufficient livelihood.  Anon will I be mindful of thee and of another lay.


Begin, O Muse Calliope, to sing of Helios the child of Zeus, the splendid Helios whom dark-eyed Euryphaessa bore to the son of Earth and starry Heaven.  For Hyperion wedded Euryphaessa, his own sister, who bore him goodly children, the rosy-armed Dawn, and fair-tressed Selene, and the tireless Helios, like unto the Immortals, who from his chariot shines on mortals and on deathless Gods, and dread is the glance of his eyes from his golden helm, and bright rays shine forth from him splendidly, and round his temples the shining locks flowing down from his head frame round his far-seen face, and a goodly garment wrought delicately shines about his body in the breath of the winds, and stallions speed beneath him when he, charioting his horses and golden-yoked car, drives down through heaven to ocean.  Hail, Prince, and of thy grace grant me livelihood enough; beginning from thee I shall sing the race of heroes half divine, whose deeds the Goddesses have revealed to mortals.


Ye Muses, sing of the fair-faced, wide-winged Moon; ye sweet-voiced daughters of Zeus son of Cronos, accomplished in song!  The heavenly gleam from her immortal head circles the earth, and all beauty arises under her glowing light, and the lampless air beams from her golden crown, and the rays dwell lingering when she has bathed her fair body in the ocean stream, and clad her in shining raiment, divine Selene, yoking her strong-necked glittering steeds.  Then forward with speed she drives her deep-maned horses in the evening of the mid-month when her mighty orb is full; then her beams are brightest in the sky as she waxes, a token and a signal to mortal men.  With her once was Cronion wedded in love, and she conceived, and brought forth Pandia the maiden, pre-eminent in beauty among the immortal Gods.  Hail, Queen, white-armed Goddess, divine Selene, gentle of heart and fair of tress.  Beginning from thee shall I sing the renown of heroes half divine whose deeds do minstrels chant from their charmed lips; these ministers of the Muses.

Project Gutenberg
The Homeric Hymns from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.