Beowulf eBook

Gareth Hinds
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 238 pages of information about Beowulf.
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Beowulf eBook

Gareth Hinds
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 238 pages of information about Beowulf.

{To thee only can I look for assistance.}

       55 And the heavens lower.  Now is help to be gotten
          From thee and thee only!  The abode thou know’st not,
          The dangerous place where thou’rt able to meet with
          The sin-laden hero:  seek if thou darest! 
          For the feud I will fully fee thee with money,
       60 With old-time treasure, as erstwhile I did thee,
          With well-twisted jewels, if away thou shalt get thee.”

    [1] For ‘gefraegnod’ (1334), K. and t.B. suggest ‘gefaegnod,’ rendering
    ‘rejoicing in her fill.’  This gives a parallel to ‘aese wlanc’

    [2] The line ‘And ... yielding,’ B. renders:  And she has performed a
    deed of blood-vengeance whose effect is far-reaching

    [3] ‘Se Þe’ (1345) is an instance of masc. rel. with fem. antecedent. 
    So v. 1888, where ‘se Þe’ refers to ‘yldo.’

    [4] For ‘hrimge’ in the H.-So. edition, Gr. and others read ‘hrinde’
    (=hrinende), and translate:  which rustling forests overhang.



          Beowulf answered, Ecgtheow’s son: 

{Beowulf exhorts the old king to arouse himself for action.}

          “Grieve not, O wise one! for each it is better,
          His friend to avenge than with vehemence wail him;
          Each of us must the end-day abide of
        5 His earthly existence; who is able accomplish
          Glory ere death!  To battle-thane noble
          Lifeless lying, ’tis at last most fitting. 
          Arise, O king, quick let us hasten
          To look at the footprint of the kinsman of Grendel!
       10 I promise thee this now:  to his place he’ll escape not,
          To embrace of the earth, nor to mountainous forest,
          Nor to depths of the ocean, wherever he wanders.
[49] Practice thou now patient endurance
          Of each of thy sorrows, as I hope for thee soothly!”

{Hrothgar rouses himself.  His horse is brought.}

       15 Then up sprang the old one, the All-Wielder thanked he,
          Ruler Almighty, that the man had outspoken. 
          Then for Hrothgar a war-horse was decked with a bridle,
          Curly-maned courser.  The clever folk-leader

{They start on the track of the female monster.}

          Stately proceeded:  stepped then an earl-troop
       20 Of linden-wood bearers.  Her footprints were seen then
          Widely in wood-paths, her way o’er the bottoms,
          Where she faraway fared o’er fen-country murky,
          Bore away breathless the best of retainers
          Who pondered with Hrothgar the welfare of country.
       25 The son of the athelings then went o’er the stony,

Project Gutenberg
Beowulf from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.