Beowulf eBook

Gareth Hinds
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 238 pages of information about Beowulf.
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Beowulf eBook

Gareth Hinds
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 238 pages of information about Beowulf.

       15 Naught of our message.  Thou know’st if it happen,
          As we soothly heard say, that some savage despoiler,
          Some hidden pursuer, on nights that are murky
          By deeds very direful ’mid the Danemen exhibits
          Hatred unheard of, horrid destruction
       20 And the falling of dead.  From feelings least selfish

{I can help your king to free himself from this horrible creature.}

          I am able to render counsel to Hrothgar,
          How he, wise and worthy, may worst the destroyer,
          If the anguish of sorrow should ever be lessened,[1]
          Comfort come to him, and care-waves grow cooler,
       25 Or ever hereafter he agony suffer
          And troublous distress, while towereth upward
          The handsomest of houses high on the summit.”

{The coast-guard reminds Beowulf that it is easier to say than to do.}

          Bestriding his stallion, the strand-watchman answered,
          The doughty retainer:  “The difference surely
       30 ’Twixt words and works, the warlike shield-bearer
          Who judgeth wisely well shall determine. 
          This band, I hear, beareth no malice

{I am satisfied of your good intentions, and shall lead you to the palace.}

          To the prince of the Scyldings.  Pass ye then onward
          With weapons and armor.  I shall lead you in person;
       35 To my war-trusty vassals command I shall issue
          To keep from all injury your excellent vessel,

{Your boat shall be well cared for during your stay here.}

          Your fresh-tarred craft, ’gainst every opposer
          Close by the sea-shore, till the curved-necked bark shall
          Waft back again the well-beloved hero
       40 O’er the way of the water to Weder dominions.

{He again compliments Beowulf.}

          To warrior so great ’twill be granted sure
          In the storm of strife to stand secure.” 
          Onward they fared then (the vessel lay quiet,
          The broad-bosomed bark was bound by its cable,
[12] 45 Firmly at anchor); the boar-signs glistened[2]
          Bright on the visors vivid with gilding,
          Blaze-hardened, brilliant; the boar acted warden. 
          The heroes hastened, hurried the liegemen,

{The land is perhaps rolling.}

          Descended together, till they saw the great palace,
       50 The well-fashioned wassail-hall wondrous and gleaming: 

{Heorot flashes on their view.}

          ’Mid world-folk and kindreds that was widest reputed
          Of halls under heaven which the hero abode in;
          Its lustre enlightened lands without number. 
          Then the battle-brave hero showed them the glittering
       55 Court of the bold ones, that they easily thither
          Might fare on their journey; the aforementioned warrior
          Turning his courser, quoth as he left them: 

Project Gutenberg
Beowulf from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.