A Monk of Fife eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 388 pages of information about A Monk of Fife.

A Monk of Fife eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 388 pages of information about A Monk of Fife.

Herein my memory does not fail, nor does love faint, growing stronger with the years, like the stream as it races to the fall.  Wherefore, being more strong than Time, Love shall be more strong than Death.  The river of my life speeds yearly swifter, the years like months go by, the months like weeks, the weeks like days.  Even so fleet on, O Time, till I rest beside her feet!  Nay, never, being young, did I more desire my love’s presence when we were apart than to-day I desire it, the memory of her filling all my heart as fragrance of flowers fills a room, till it seems as if she were not far away, but near me, as I write of her.  And, foolish that I am!  I look up as if I might see her by my side.  I know not if this be so with all men, for, indeed, I have asked none, nor spoken to any of the matter save in confession.  For I have loved this once, and no more; wherefore I deem me happier than most, and more certain of a good end to my love, where the blessed dwell in the Rose of Paradise, beholding the Beatific Vision.

To this end I implore the prayers of all Christian souls who read this book, and of all the Saints, and of that Sister of the Saints whom, while I might, I served in my degree.




(See “Livre des Miracles de Madame Sainte Katherine de Fierboys”.  MSS.  Bib.  Nat. 7335, fol. lxxxiv.)

Le xvi jour du moys de janvier, l’an mil cccc. xxx., vint en la chapelle de ceans Norman Leslie de Pytquhoulle, escoth, escuyer de la compagnie de Hugues Cande, capitaine. {40} Lequel dist et afferma par serment estre vray le miracle cy apres declaire.  C’est assavoir que le dit Leslie fut prins des Anglois a Paris le jour de la Nativite de Nostre Dame de l’an dernier passe.  Lequel Norman Leslie avoit entre dans la ville de Paris avec c.  Escossoys en guise d’Angloys, lesqueuls Escossoys furent prins des Angloys, et ledit Norman fut mis en fers et en ceps.  Et estoit l’intention de ceux qui l’avoient pris de le faire lendemain ardre, parce qu’il portoit robe de femme par maniere de ruse de guerre.

Si s’avint que ledit Norman se voua a Madame Sainte Katherine, qu’il luy pleust prier Dieu qu’il le voulsist delivrer de la prison ou il estoit; et incontinent qu’il pourroit estre dehors, il yroit mercier Madame Sainte Katherine en sa chapelle de Fierboys.  Et incontinent son veu fait si s’en dormit, et au reveiller trouva en la tour avecques luy un Singe, qui lui apporta deux files, et un petit cousteau.  Ainsi il trouva maniere de se deferrer, et adoncques s’en sortit de la prison emportant avecques luy le singe.  Si se laissoit cheoir a val en priant Madame Sainte Katherine et chut a bas, et oncques ne se fist mal, et se rendit a Saint Denys ou il trouvoit des compagnons Escossoys.

Project Gutenberg
A Monk of Fife from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.