The Ascent of the Soul eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 168 pages of information about The Ascent of the Soul.

The Ascent of the Soul eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 168 pages of information about The Ascent of the Soul.

We study our own spiritual experiences and discover that when we have been in danger of being contented with moral failure we have been made ashamed and disgusted by it; that when we have been on the verge of yielding to temptation we have been strangely and almost preternaturally protected; that when sorrows have come which would have crushed our unaided strength we have experienced strange peace and have had undreamed-of strength; and that never for a moment have we found rest or peace except as they have come to us in hand with truth and right.  A wider study shows us that our experiences are in harmony with the common human experience.  All forces and all events, in all ages, have been working for the welfare of individuals, society, the whole world.  A steady, unfailing, universal attraction has been drawing the human race away from animalism, error, sorrow, war, separation and division, toward righteousness, truth, love, brotherhood, the life of the Spirit, and the unity and happiness of the children of God.

That attraction is interpreted by Jesus in a simple and beautiful way.  He has taught us that the same Being who created the universe, and who has revealed and is revealing Himself in creation, in history, and in the earthly ministry of the Christ, is now, always has been, and always will be in the most intimate, personal, and loving relations with men.  He warns them against evil, protects them in danger, comforts them in sorrow, lifts their thoughts and desires toward the true, the beautiful, and the good; and what He is doing for individuals He is also doing for humanity and the universe.  This is the culmination of the Christian Revelation.  This is to be the consummation and splendor of the Kingdom of God.  All the disciples of Jesus are followers of the Spirit of Truth.  The Spirit of Truth is the inspiration of all that is vital and enduring in literature, art, government, society; and each individual, and “the whole cosmic process” are being led by Him toward the beatitude of the Children of God.


    O happy house! whose little ones are given
       Early to Thee, in faith and prayer,—­
    To Thee, their Friend, who from the heights of heaven
       Guards them with more than mother’s care. 
    O happy house! where little voices
       Their glad hosannas love to raise,
    And childhood’s lisping tongue rejoices
       To bring new songs of love and praise.

    O happy house! and happy servitude! 
       Where all alike one Master own;
    Where daily duty, in Thy strength pursued,
       Is never hard nor toilsome known;
    Where each one serves Thee, meek and lowly,
       Whatever thine appointments be,
    Till common tasks seem great and holy,
       When they are done as unto Thee.

    —­O Happy House. Karl J.P.  Spitta.

Project Gutenberg
The Ascent of the Soul from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.